LETTERS: Casting blame for kidnappings

The horrible abduction and deadly treatment of two out of four Americans traveling in Matamoros, a site of regular cartel terror activity, is a problem that can be placed at the feet not only of parents and school systems, but the healthcare system in America.

Schools don’t teach much in the way of practical history, current affairs, geography or crime and justice, and certainly don’t teach any healthy skepticism about advertising claims or about Mexican politics. Our healthcare system is a maze that can discourage even the most educated and patient among us.

Also, Americans are taught to swallow every advertising lure that is cast their way and believe they can find a low-cost solution to issues like tummy tuck surgery and have fun doing it.

Now we know why Mexicans try so hard to come here, and why we don’t really want to go there.

Kimball Shinkoskey

Woods Cross, Utah



The Southern Poverty Law Center has long not deserved any respect or support. In its early years it served the important role of calling out injustices, with an emphasis on civil rights, highlighting offenders with such success that cases were brought before the highest courts and those offenders rightfully ridiculed in the public square.

Today, the SPLC is a hollow shell of its former self, held in high regard only by the uninformed, the ungodly or those so disgusted with our country that they are hell-bent on reimagining what it means to be American. This fall from grace began more than two decades ago.

The folly of defending as normal (and demanding that we accept them as normal too) such practices as homosexual marriage and the attraction of men to boys has caused the SPLC to lose all credibility.

In 1978, David Thorstad founded the North American Man/boy Love Association. In the years that followed, such organizations as the Family Research Council, Focus on the Family and others called the organization out for what it truly was: organized pedophilia. Well, guess which side the SPLC supported?

Since that time, the SPLC has created a “hate group” designation for such groups as the FRC, the Alliance Defending Freedom, the American Family Association and even the American College of Pediatricians, all because these organizations dare to defend the innocence of children and stand against the redefinition of marriage.

In August 2012, a gunman entered the Washington, D.C., office of the FRC to kill as many people as possible. A security guard was wounded as he subdued the gunman. During an interview by the FBI, the gunman said he had learned the name FRC from the SPLC website as a “hate group” and as an “anti-gay” organization. There were two more organizations on a hit-list found in his pocket that day.

After years of calling Christian groups dangerous to democracy, on March 6 an SPLC attorney was arrested and charged with domestic terrorism for participation in a riot that burned down a part of an Atlanta, Ga., police property. On display for us all to see, compliments of the SPLC, is the sign of their corporate personality disorder. Someone displays projection when they attribute to others what is in their own mind. Indeed, it is today’s SPLC that is dangerous to democracy.

If standing up for normalcy and wholesomeness means wearing a “hate group” designation by the SPLC, I would wear it proudly; I’d be in good company.

Rey Gonzalez Jr.

San Benito

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