Letters: Trump vs. Biden

As Mr. Trump has not only failed miserably as president but also betrayed our country and the Constitution, specifically on Jan. 6, 2021, he never will be compared to the numerous accomplishments of President Joe Biden. History will judge Mr. Trump as a failure and Mr. Biden as a hero and great communicator who got this country’s soul back. He conquered the pandemic and inflation, brought respect for America around the globe, employment is high and unemployment is at its lowest, supply lines are back to normal, shelves are full, etc.

We as a country must stick together. Stop nationalism, vote in large numbers and make a difference. If Mr. Trump doesn’t help, get out of the way.

The Jan. 6 committee has referrals to the Department of Justice on Mr. Trump’s actions. That reminds me of the Peruvian president arrested for trying to dissolve the Congress.

President Biden is in full control of things. What a difference. One president defies the law, the present one upholds the law.

Oscar Garza




Do all the numerous non-governmental organizations and charities in the RGV and beyond, who help immigrant and asylum seekers duly pay their staffs fair salaries for their humanitarian work? Their very private agendas leave such simple questions unanswered. They’re usually referring to “volunteers,” thereby projecting that they’re all about selfless, unpaid volunteerism. It begs the question: How does anyone survive on work without pay?

Are all NGO and charity donations subject to proper, equitable and accountable distribution of their resources?

Aside from taxpayer government funding grants, private donors and churches, do any RGV NGOs and other charity donations come from leftist anti-America adversarial billionaires? The idea alone seems chilling! That could jeopardize America’s democracy.

Do these NGOs have closed or open accountability regulations in place to ensure warranted and equal help for so many people in need, or only for the NGO-favored agendas?

Are these charities only dedicated to helping the asylum seekers and unlawful immigrant crossers? Or do they also help the so many of our own indigent, the homeless, the single women with children, children in need, widows, widowers, veterans and elderly citizens in our own communities?

After all, Jesus always advocated to help all those in need; charity and dignity should always begin at home.

Imelda Coronado




The President Biden haters are out in full force in the Valley and they are expressing their hate in the form of letters to the editors! The latest reference to this hate is of the president going to his home in Delaware, which by the way he has done for 50 years.

The president rode the railroad all those years almost daily and no one complained. Now the lazy Secret Service people will not allow him to ride the train, just like they didn’t allow Donald Trump to march to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Trump, on the other hand, flew all over the country to bring money, millions of dollars, some taxpayer dollars, to his golf courses. His golf courses and hotels charged us taxpayers exorbitant prices for his staff, the Secret Service people and others, all for his enormous gain, which I find despicable.

Bill Williams
