Letters: Article lauded

I loved the excellent article, “Forgotten lore” about the three men killed by Texas “rinches” simply because they were Mexicans or Mexican Americans (Nov. 20)! I’m a proud Mexican American who knew about the killings and hanging of our ancestors because my dear father would tell me about when my abuelita Getrudis Rosales told him that the men would hide when the cowardly Texas “rinches” came to town to beat or hang them. Not only were our ancestors hanged but the greedy gringos who had the law in their dirty hands would steal their land.

If I’m not mistaken, South Padre island was stolen from the Balli family among other lands also taken away. My Rosales family is big because we have relatives in Cameron and Starr counties who also had their land taken away big time.

I hope our Mexican American young people would read the “Forgotten Lore” article so they can know what our ancestors went through during the rough and deadly times in Texas!

Ricardo Rosales Sr.


Biden, fans

draw attack

The Washington Times reports that Joe Biden is the worst president of the century.

Why? Because Mr. Biden is the worst American president in decades. He makes his former boss, President Barack Obama, look like a resounding success by comparison (he wasn’t). Not since the Jimmy Carter era have Americans been misled by such stunningly incompetent, utterly inept and extremely pitiful presidents, but his successors win for “the most inept” awards.

Yet, we see a torrent of letters and commentaries embellished by leftist conservative haters on a daily basis. Talk about media bias!

They’ve managed to obfuscate how Sam Bankman-Fried funneled millions of crypto dollars from investors to donate it to the Democrats so they could win the November election. You could even see Maxine Waters on a video blowing kisses at the creep in adoration for enriching them.

How many of these anti-conservative, lying opinion writers are benefitting from the stay-at-home “Biden mandates” and getting countless benefits while the sustaining hard workers tighten their belts to the point of starvation?

Imelda Coronado




I feel bad for Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez; for a third time he is asking President Biden to visit the RGV before repealing Title 42 of the health policy. Is he confused because he stood shoulder to shoulder with Beto O’Rourke and endorsed the man who wants open borders? Or is he secretly a Republican at heart?

Either way it should be noted that neither of the two executive office holders will be coming to the RGV; it would legitimize what is going on between here and El Paso. What is abundantly clear is that the Democratic Party, which the RGV supported in the last election, has been abandoned by the Biden administration because they want nothing to do with what is going on here; yet Democrats squeal like a stuck pig when undocumented aliens are shipped to their states. So to all the local Democratic leaders who toed the party line this election, congratulations — you did a heck of a job fulfilling the job of being the useful idiots of the Democratic Party that ignores your letters, constituents county and state.

Jake Longoria
