Letters: Disappointed in vote results

Just a few comments/observations regarding the recent midterm elections.

First, I find it very disappointing that Texas Congressional District 34 voters turned their backs on Mayra Flores, the first Mexican-born woman to get elected to Congress. We will never know how much good she could have done for the people of Texas. Many gullible RGV voters apparently fell for Democrat and media lies and propaganda that Flores was some kind of gun-toting extremist and a horrible human being and candidate based on her Republican Party affiliation.

Just as disappointing was the fact that a majority of RVG voters also turned their backs on Gov. Greg Abbott. I would venture to guess that many who cast an anti-Abbott vote were those who have been led to believe that Abbott is a racist and anti-immigrant for taking decisive action in response to what can only be described as an illegal immigrant invasion at the Texas-Mexico border. Others who came out in droves to vote against Abbott were probably those who placed the right to an abortion above any and all issues.

It is sad and very disappointing that many RGV voters seem to be easily swayed by lies and propaganda and have been led to believe that all Republicans are evil while Democrats can do no wrong. Only time will tell how much more damage Democrat politicians will inflict on the state of Texas and the nation.

Ben Castillo



garner fire

Well, well; once people knew what was going on in society, it was easy to tell that the “red wave,” which the media so sought, fizzled out. Namely, the population (demographic) wave predicted instead that the older White Republicans (scurrying to the polls, anxious about dying off) are indeed decreasing while Hispanics and others are increasing. Moreover, women are declaring that they don’t want men telling them what to do with their bodies via the Supreme Court, and women will continue to so declare.

Simply, the Republican base will decline, that of Democrats will go up in time, notwithstanding media creations such as the latter’s darling, Republican Mayra Flores from the Valley, who linked with QAnon, posted a picture of herself holding an AR-15 before the Uvalde massacre, did not accept Biden’s election, and whom Donald supported at his Robstown rally. She turned out to be a flash in the pan. Blacks have as their embarrassment Clarence Thomas, whom Daddy Bush put on the court.

Most Hispanics believe in more education, poverty programs, etc., while Republicans harbor delusions about them. Most Hispanics will never become Republicans, or even “conservative,” since their “family values” are about women pursuing careers and greater social justice and equity more than Whites do.

For the moment, immigration stunts by Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis (the latter bullying masked children) succeeded, but not for long. Meanwhile, Trump is further dividing Republicans. Evangelicals now say he used them. Great job, Trumpers!

Jose Martinez




Now I know Mr. Zarate and most of the time I respect his opinion. Every body’s got one and Mr. Zarate is not lacking in them.

It seems that he was upset by a letter written by Mr. Ricardo Rosales that made reference to Biden as “creepy Joe” and Kamala Harris as “Giggles.” Mr. Zarate must have forgotten that not too long ago he called Biden “el viejito” (the old man). I would classify that as name calling, don’t you think?

President Trump referred to Biden as “Sleepy Joe.” Whatever the case, none of those describe a person who was in Congress for almost half a century and accomplished zilch. Nothing. Nada.

We all know the reason that he is in the White House. It was Barack Obama’s expertise in mastering the political machine from the “Windy City” that got Obama elected in the first place.

Truth is, I have much more descriptive names for someone who does not deserve to be in that position. I will not use these names since they are a lot less nice than “creepy” or “sleepy.” The only thing this person has accomplished while in office are gaffes and goofs. I mean really big blunders: Afghanistan, the economy and illegal immigration.

So yes, Mr. Zarate, Mr. Rosales has every right to call him, at the very least, “creepy.” Hoo boy.

M.C. Garcia
