Letters: Democrats draw fire

And there it is — the Biden agenda. The Monitor on Oct. 19 printed the article “Biden, in speech, aims to keep abortion top of mind for voters.” With everything that is ailing the U.S. now, Biden focuses on abortion. Go figure.

You Democrats who hated the previous administration: What did you hate the most? No wars? Robust American economy? Low gas prices? No inflation? Lower taxes and a strong dollar? Peace in the Middle East? Well-stocked oil reserve? Secure southern Border? Take your pick. All these are worse now under Biden and he decides to focus on on-demand abortion. What a leader we’ve got.

I’ve noticed that all you Biden supporters really never print/post anything that is “pro-Biden” — it’s all “anti-Trump.” All you’ve got is the bogus Jan. 6 hearings, and now abortion.

Joel Ramirez


Trump praise

spurs comment

In his letter to the editor on Oct. 18, Mr. Sherwood Uhrmacher tells us how great former President Donald Trump was. He tells us that Trump created millions of new jobs, brought down unemployment, increased middle-class incomes, increased the net worth of American households, lessened the need for food stamps and brought down poverty rates and the unemployment rates for Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans and women reached a record low.

In spite of all the above claims, the majority of Americans decisively decided, “No mas!” Trump was bad for America and the list of “why’s” just kept popping up over and over again. Mr. Uhrmacher, very conveniently, decided to simply ignore them.

Besides, wasn’t it President Barack Obama who initiated the above successes after President Bush handed him a tattered America? And while being bombed with heavy Republican obstructionism, President Obama didn’t give up. He fought hard for the American people, rebuilding and handing over to the next president a healthy America. Unfortunately, the recipient was Donald Trump and now Mr. Uhrmacher wants us to believe the successes mentioned above were all Trump’s doing? Hoo-boy.

Trump spent half of his time playing golf and the other half defending himself from serious allegations, including two impeachments! If he accomplished anything it was to convince spineless sycophants like Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham, who initially abhorred him, to lovingly support him. And this, I must admit, was quite impressive.

If Trump really is a genius, he must be an “evil” genius. After all, only an evil genius can con millions of supposedly smart Americans into sacrificing their successful centuries-old democracy to please his incessant narcissist reputation. And yes, it’s totally mind-boggling.

Italo J. Zarate



for inflation

Recently a CBS interviewer was speaking with a voter in Arizona who asked, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” What the voter didn’t take into account is that there was a worldwide pandemic, entire industries were shut down, supply chains were disrupted and the demand for fuel had plummeted. He also did not take into account that there is a major war in Ukraine.

In a recent article, “Your Inflation Cheat Sheet” in the AARP Bulletin, the following statements are made: “What should we blame for our current high inflation rate? There are several culprits — most recently the war in Ukraine, which has driven up the price of food and fuel around the world. But the current round began with COVID-19. Not only did the pandemic shut down the world economy, as governments restricted movement and people hunkered down at home, but it also created massive problems in what’s known as the global supply chain. … Factories shuttered, raw materials and finished goods sat in ports, and deliveries to stores were erratic.” The author, Lynn Asinof, goes on to say how the pandemic completely disrupted every aspect of our economy.

“(S)parked by the $5 trillion that the government has poured into the U.S. economy — some $2 trillion of that paid directly to individuals and families — in the hope of staving off a disaster caused by a frozen commerce and high unemployment. ‘Give Americans $2 trillion, and they are going to buy stuff,’ says Berry Ritholtz, chairman and chief investment officer at Ritholtz Wealth Management in New York. In sum, demand went way up as supply came way down. And when that happens, prices rise in a similarly dramatic fashion.” We call that inflation.

So, does the present administration bear some responsibility? Yes, but remember the Republicans voted overwhelmingly in favor of those stimulus packages too. It was the pandemic, war and the bipartisan infusion of money into the economy that has caused inflation, not the wild spending of the Democrats.

Look, folks, inflation is the highest it has been in the UK in 40 years. Virtually every nation in the world is experiencing it. Is this some how due to the Democrats? Come on, those commercials you see on TV are hype and it is a shame that either party would be so low as to use them rather than being honest with the voters.

Gerard Pahl
