Letter: Violating the oath

Perhaps it’s that I’m old, but I can remember when anyone running for a political office swore an oath to the Constitution of the United States. It used to matter. Today, if you vote for a Republican you are betraying that oath, and thus should be disqualified for any position of trust.

I get it: Get a few Brown women who are willing to kneel to a morally bankrupt ex-president, and lo, you are welcome! If you are willing to trust a liar, a swindler, and vote for them, you are screaming out loud that you do not respect the oath, that you are willing to sell your soul to the devil.

Perhaps it’s too late for you. I, for one, will still vote for only those who are willing to take the oath seriously, and not just use the flag, the police and the bible as a prop.

Yolanda J. Gesswein
