Letters: Signs hated

Driving on 10th Street to my son’s house I noticed the many political signs that are located about four feet apart, plus some of the candidates who lost in early voting in March. I remembered the song “Signs” by the Five Man Electrical Band.

I’m always telling political candidates that signs are fine but one needs to talk and listen to the regular RGV voters. I tell the true story of going to Junior’s Supermarket to buy the ingredients to make pozole for my late tia Julia Macias Rodriguez.

I only love menudo, so I didn’t know what ingredients you need to make pozole. I asked a couple what one needs. After Juan Arellano and his wife helped me with the ingredients, we ate pan dulce and Juan asked me about my T-shirt, which had the name of a candidate I was helping. I asked for their support and he said he would tell his family and neighbors to vote for my candidate. And they did, because I picked them up in person and took them to the polling place in Las Milpas.

To this day Juan calls me up to talk and asks what candidates I’m pushing so they can go vote. True story!

I know that nowadays it’s easier with the internet, but in my opinion there is nothing more important then talking face to face with your fellow citizens in person.

Ricardo Rosales Sr.



target of attack

Great letters from Kimball Shinkoskey, Jake Longoria, Juan Olivarez, Myra Baker and Bill Hudson (Sept. 23) reflect America’s current economic and stability pain, exacerbated by the current administration’s obsession to empty the world’s jails by sending them to this country to redistribute America’s wealth to these undeserving scoundrels. This tyrannical element of bad people undermines the generosity of American hard workers who don’t begrudge the help we the people give to good migrant families coming in unlawfully, but in great need. These actions by our present lack of real leadership has deliberately destroyed everything that countless generations of American hardworking people worked for to make it the free America these freedom invaders are in a hurry to destroy.

If anybody doubts their ill will to destroy America, think of their political hate, persecutions, damaging redactions, media control, false un-fact-checked personal character assassinations against political opponents, self-enrichment Green New Deals, defunding the police, enrichment of criminals with our own tax-confiscated money, to obliterate this great country.

Let’s not allow ourselves to believe their false promises of last-minute police funding bills. They use these bribery tricks when they fear losing their grip over us. They throw out bones to people in need to win elections, with we the people’s own money, never theirs.

Let’s never underestimate their blaming “Jim Crow” tactics as one of their phony ploys, because actually these roots go back to them, never to the Republicans. Let us never forget Republican Abraham Lincoln’s legacy of slavery abolition. Let the real truth ring in our minds forever.

Enough is enough, let’s save America on this premise.

Imelda Coronado
