Letters: Cartoon criticized

Reference The Monitor’s Opinion page cartoon on Sept. 8:

It is disingenuous and malicious that our only sources of local news keep engaging in deflective fake-fascism spins about the tax-bled working Americans who are autocratically mandated to tax-fund the present regime’s “America last” liberal ideology.

These progressive-disguised socialists and their unelected big-tech, big-media and unions appear to be in full charge ready to collude and taint elections by smearing the hardworking conservatives who without choice are forced to tax-fund the left’s hate politics and their absolute power end goals.

They shamelessly call conservatives fascists, while they’re actually the ones luring in their millionaire donors and the undeserving profiteers with perks of open borders, free amnesty, tax cuts, tax credits and loan erasure; worse yet, union takeover of our schools. Who elected big tech, big media and unions to join in with the autocrats?

The real America haters are always barking venomous accusations under their fake “progressive” schemes. They’re the party that always throws out benefits to rich donors and other opportunists (with other people’s money) to win elections, while calling themselves “caring Democrats.” All this is done while being the real autocrats and power-driven haters looking out for themselves and their personal wealth.

1. Remember vote-hungry LBJ coming up with his ambitious “Great Society” to lure himself votes before an election?

2. Remember Obama’s unconstitutional DACA before election time?

3. Now the open borders, loan forgiveness, trillions-costly, Build Back Better, all this now right before the 2022 midterm election.

These are the same, generations-old schemers who lure in votes to keep themselves in power; it’s never really about the people who trust them. It’s always about their personal families’ ongoing wealth and power.

These wolves in sheep’s clothes own the House, the Senate and the White House and are still blaming long-gone Donald Trump for their abysmal failures. Most Americans are too smart to buy into such deceptions.

Honest Americans can smell malice and power-grab takeover, no matter how cleverly and deceptively the left disguises itself.

Imelda Coronado


Writer wants


President Joe Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas should be impeached immediately over their mismanagement of the border crisis.

This administration has effectively lost all operational control of our southern border. During the first few months of his administration, Biden formally nixed the “Remain in Mexico” (Migrant Protection Protocols) program, the latest in a series of moves to dismantle the Trump administration’s restrictive immigration policies.

The MPP program forced potential asylum seekers to stay in Mexico to wait out the result of their cases in U.S. immigration court. Subsequently, the U.S. Supreme Court denied Biden’s bid to rescind the MPP immigration policy and he was court-ordered to keep the MPP program in effect. But according to new statistics, the Biden administration is not fully complying with the court order and is barely using it. Despite a massive number of encounters with illegal immigrants, only a fraction are being placed in the “Remain in Mexico” program.

According to Border Patrol data, out of more than 239,000 encounters with migrants in the month of May, only about 1,600 were placed into the program and forced to remain in Mexico. Of the more than 1.5 million encounters since October 2021, only about 4,000 have been placed in MPP. That is a shockingly low number.

Clearly, the Biden administration is ignoring the court order regarding the “Remain in Mexico” program. Defying a federal court injunction is an impeachable offense, even more so when it’s to further an international criminal smuggling and trafficking enterprise of unprecedented scale.

“Lawless” Biden is making a mockery of the rule of law, of the duty to defend our borders, and of the Court. Biden is violating his oath of office – he should be impeached immediately!

Joel Ramirez
