Letters: Candidates supported

On Aug. 25, I like many woke up to a time when young women in Texas no longer have the freedoms we previously had. Women and girls no longer have full reproductive freedom of their own bodies, and their choices for their education, health, income and the overall welfare of themselves and families.

How did this happen in the USA, Texas, and in our very own community as well? Recall that just last summer, the Edinburg City Council passed a proclamation for a “sanctuary city for the unborn” and considered making the city itself a “sanctuary” before Roe v. Wade was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. Two members who were on the City Council then are currently serving now.

Recently, I had the opportunity to meet two of the Democratic candidates running in the upcoming November elections, Rochelle Garza for Texas attorney general and Michelle Vallejo for U.S. House District 15. There are two very good articles in the Texas Observer on May 25 on Garza and Aug. 2 on Vallejo. Both women are articulate, experienced and knowledgeable on the issues of public education and school safety, healthcare, adequate wages, women’s’ rights, justice reform and more.

I highly endorse both candidates and hope you will also. Everything in Texas can change in November — if we show up at the polls to vote and spread the word that there are alternatives to our broken Texas (like the grid). Let’s change Texas from a state of special interests to one of equality and freedom again — at every level of government.

Diane Teter




Gov. Greg Abbott’s behavior with immigrants is deplorable. Responsible parents would not allow their children to do it. Two wrongs don’t make a right, especially if one of them is trumped up to grab headlines that deflect legitimate placement of accountability.

Busing migrants to other states is wrong according to the “republican values” he preaches but does not practice. States’ rights come with states’ accountability. A governor cannot fail to honestly accept accountability for a “problem” by pointing a finger at someone else. That is like throwing up your hands and saying, “Don’t blame me.” Fault has nothing to do with it. Accountability goes with the territory of governing. Own it or resign!

An honest alternative would be to sponsor and host a convention of mayors and governors to seek effective, fair solutions to a common problem. Sanctuary cities should bear some burden, but not a burden summarily and arbitrarily applied by a whining officeholder who does not offer to help others deal with issues not as pressing as in Texas.

Texas enjoys many benefits from bordering with Mexico. Reciprocity is called for, not retribution. Stop illegally using Customs and Border Protection as political shills (violating the Hatch Act) and hold them accountable. Use the available resources to meet constituent needs. Don’t decline Medicaid funding so you can thrust out your chest and say, “I’m better than he is.” That does not win you one more vote, but it is denying possibly lifesaving care to thousands who are most in need.

Before you ask for my vote, make me proud to be to be a Texan rather than embarrassed.

Douglas McPhaden
