Letters: Biden blamed

Mr. Al Garcia’s letter dated Aug. 19 states (blaming Trump, of course), “Questions abound. Answers languish incoherent and jumbled hyperbole of arrogance and contemptuousness, while America burns ….”

The White House is controlled by a Democrat, Congress is controlled by Democrats and Donald Trump is a private citizen living in Mar-a Lago “while America burns.” How can you possibly look at our current national disaster and have the audacity to blame Trump?

America is burning under the direction and guidance of Joe Biden and all the people who pull his strings. Under Donald Trump, inflation remained at about 2%, gasoline was about $1.90 per gallon, the United States of America had the most powerful army in the world and a commander in chief who feared no enemy. We were energy-independent oil exporters producing more oil than we needed, the stock market was booming and our president never wavered from his commitment to “put America first.

Under President Biden, we ran from Afghanistan like beaten dogs with the tail between our legs and didn’t have the courage to stop long enough to rescue the people we left behind. Inflation has been at a steady 8.5%. Those who can pay 8.5% more, those less fortunate who cannot pay eat 8.5% less. Gas has gone above $5 per gallon, groceries are sky high (when you can find them), we have saturated the economy with trillions of dollars that we don’t have and that our future generations of Americans are going to have to repay with interest, and on top of all that we are no longer the respected leaders of the free world we once were.

These are not “blue sky” dreams. These are the facts.

José C. Coronado




Twenty-two years ago I was moved here by my employer. I met, worked with and found friends who were some of the best, most considerate I have met in the nine cities I have lived in.

Unfortunately, that didn’t last. In the last 10 years I have come across, both on the web and in The Monitor, a small group whose words and attitudes tarnish these fine people and misrepresent the RGV as uncaring, complaining about everything, misanthropic, affluenza-infected Karens of both gender. They have an opinion, nearly always negative, about everything they don’t like and demand everything their way.

Fortunately, they are the vocal minority I call Rad Reps.

What started this rant today? The continued persecution of immigrants and their “disastrous effect” is getting to be embarrassing. Writers’ misunderstanding of cause and effect is hilarious, since nearly all negative effects have been caused by our Republican governor’s Operation Lone Star, the 21st century’s only publicly financed vigilante operation.

The total lack of any charitable feelings toward any person forced by circumstance into breaking our antiquated faulty immigration rules is astounding. Complaints about the small cost increase to provide the bare essentials in emergency health care sicken me.

People should calm themselves. Picture an immigrant, a sick baby in her arms and one at her feet, standing at the entrance of a hospital asking for care. Add another individual, a security guard, pushing her away. Are the Rad Reps so mean that they would happily do that security officer’s job for him were it necessary?

Ned Sheats
