Letter: Big problems not addressed

I find the editorial printed Aug. 9 is trying to address the problem of Abbott’s failed policy on the border.

I have another take on this subject. When people are down and out economically, they will do almost anything to make life better for themselves and their dependents. When these people hear of all the jobs here in America without anyone to fill them, this is like a fly to an open honey jar. When a free ride to any part of the United States is offered, that is like a free plane ride to Disney World. These poor people respond to these offers and suffer the difficult journey to our borders. Why not? The open-border rhetoric and these perks are adding to the problem.

This boondoggle Gov. Abbott has created all by himself. But we in Texas have another one that is coming shortly. Our water supply in Texas is just about to run dry! With more people being encouraged to move to Texas, we are cutting our nose off to spite our face!

Another problem we have facing us is the electrical grid not being able to distribute electricity from the point of generation to all over the state where it is needed. Two billion dollars spent on expanding the transmission lines instead of on the border would have corrected this oversight. During peak demand, the turbines in northwest Texas were shut down this summer. Maybe the reason was so that the big contributor to Abbott would be able to jack up the price they charge for electricity?

Bill Williams
