Problems caused by immigrant busing are enjoyed

Isn’t it amazing, yet fascinating, to watch Gov. Abbott systematically destroy the “sanctuary city” programs of New York City and WashingtonD.C.? Isn’t it even a bit enjoyable for Texans (and other like states impacted by this immigrant invasion) to see the awakening in NYC and D.C. to the fact that we do have a border crisis, and that it will be increasingly difficult for these sanctuary cities to fulfill their promises as more and more of the immigrants arrive, expecting (demanding?) their share of our largess. And unless these proprietors can stand the strain of ever-increasing numbers of these invaders, what’s to be done to placate the taxpayers of NYC and D.C., and other localities, for substantially increasing costs and taxes?

This revelation won’t occur until the leaders of these communities (and more to come I am sure) start pressuring the liar, the indolent czar and our disinterested president (Alejandro Mayorkas, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden) for federal support (our tax dollars) to offset the increasingly larger expenses of the sanctuary city concept. They can’t let it die, and yet they cannot provide what they advertise, especially with elections looming in the future where local taxpayers may put a nail in their coffins. For example, who is going to pay the daily expenses of a once-luxury hotel in NYC, still quite in fashion, to house these immigrants?

Gov. Abbott’s spot-on program of delivering these immigrants to their doorsteps is forcing local officials to not only recognize that a nationwide problem with illegal immigration exists, but they are being required to develop their own independent non-federal solutions, especially financial ones, based upon local budgeting and the resulting ruckus by the taxpayers who are in the end paying for these very questionable programs.

The sounds we will hear are the moans and groans of those who supported sanctuary, and now that the chickens have come home to roost, are having lots of second thoughts!

Biden’s lack of action concerning the broad scope of this mass immigration is not only seething with illegality — we are a nation of laws, many of which speak to illegal immigration that are being totally ignored by Biden and his lackeys — and just as importantly, his actions are being accepted carte blanche by the leaders of the Democrat Party.

What is the cause, effect and remediation to this ever-increasing disaster on our southern border? The cause is simply the Democrat Party’s purposeful desire to increase its voter base, no matter the dramatic problems or the danger to our national security they are causing. In truth, they could care less about the status of these immigrants, they just want them to be able to vote, and vote for Democrats! Coming soon will be a sponsored effort by Democrats to allow voting by those who are not citizens of the United States, both in local and national elections.

What remedial actions can be taken to alleviate this catastrophe and return our government to, by and for all American citizens?

Those who are able, by whatever means, to enter illegally should be returned to their home of origin, without any consideration of their status. Those migrants who are truthfully attempting to escape the tyranny and persecution of their home nation can apply at any U.S. embassy, and wait their turn to migrate into the United States.

The United States must make illegal immigration seem less attractive. As unsavory as this sounds, federal and state funds, “cradle to grave” programs supported by taxpayer funds, and especially funds to non-citizens must be curtailed to the point that immigration for an “easier life” in the United States is not the picture to be conveyed to Third World nations. This is especially true of any funding of any type from the Social Security system. And finally, we must elect leaders to our House of Representatives and U.S. Senate who are responsive to the actions necessary to eliminate this invasion of our nation.

It is of the highest priority that these elections be based upon a true and current roster of eligible voters, including the implementation and utilization of a tamper-proof national identity card much like the very successful system in force in our neighbor to the south, Mexico. The “hardship” on Americans described by those on the political left with respect to applying for a national identity card is a complete red herring, simply an attempted diversion from the real task at hand.

The actions listed above are not easy or pleasant, but they are necessary to continue life in the United States as we have known it for two and a half centuries, a life that is without doubt the envy of the world. To do less is to court tyranny, dominated by the few, to the detriment of the many. We must not let that happen! God bless America!

Sherwood Uhrmacher lives in Palmview.