Letters: Noncitizens shouldn’t vote

I read Mr. Italo Zarate’s letter of June 28 29, and I note that Mr. Zarate refers to Mr. Biden as a “viejito,” which smacks of discrimination on his part. We who are fortunate enough to live longer (I’m almost 10 years older than Biden) are thankful for both good physical condition and mental acumen.

There is a federal statute that prohibits noncitizens from voting in national elections. Unfortunately, there’s no such federal restriction on aliens voting in local elections. As of March 2020, 12 U.S. municipalities allowed noncitizens to vote in some or all local elections. This means that noncitizens are electing governing officials, approving taxes, forming school boards, regulating all manner of municipal laws, etc., that mandate how legitimate citizens must live their lives. Many noncitizens are unfamiliar with the tenets and history of our Nation, do not speak and/or understand our language(s) with familiarity, and are subject to coercion and deliberate misdirection in how they vote.

There are those of us who oppose allowing noncitizens to vote, as they should accept the duties and responsibilities of citizenship before being allowed to vote. This prohibition is not discriminatory.

Allowing noncitizens to vote would discourage them from seeking citizenship. Allowing noncitizens to vote would not benefit our society as a whole, and could be detrimental where “ballot harvesting” techniques are employed.

Not surprisingly, Biden’s approval rating with Hispanics now has slipped from 26% to 19% as reflected by many national polls. Polls are polls, but when they reveal that only 25% of Democrats want to see Mr. Biden run again as president, things can’t be good for the Democrats!

Sherwood D. Uhrmacher



human life

Those who have God in their life, with Jesus in their heart, cannot be ambivalent about the

willful murder of an unborn children in the sanctuary of the mother’s womb. To acquiesce to “reproductive rights.” is not an option. The “right to Life” must prevail over the granting of “a license to kill.”

Shall one be like Cain and show no regard or genuine concern for the unborn child by asking “Am I my brother’s keeper?,” or shall one work to legally protect the “right to Life” of the unborn child?

Consider these hallow words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Life is the core of “human rights.” None of your other rights mean a whole lot if you’re not alive to enjoy them. Life is the fundamental right, and it is always a gravely immoral act to kill an innocent person.

The willful killing of the innocent unborn child in the sanctuary of the mother’s womb is not primarily a religious issue but a fundamental human rights issue. Our faith helps us understand the dignity of every human life created in the divine image as taught in the Hebrew scriptures, but reason alone is sufficient to know that it is wrong to destroy an innocent human life. The mere fact that a law coincides with religious beliefs does not mean it is an impermissible imposition of religion.

There is for all mankind one entrance into life, and a common departure. he wisdom

By the wisdom of the Lord of Life, the gift of Life is received by all humanity at the time of conception.

Pope Francis called President Biden’s support for the termination of an unborn child’s life in the sanctuary of the mother’s womb an incoherence inasmuch as President Biden considers himself a devout Catholic. Pope Francis affirmed that there are scientific data that show that a month after conception, the DNA of the fetus is already there and the organs are aligned. There is human life. Is it just to eliminate a human life? Pope Francis stated that he leaves it to President Biden’s conscience, and that President Biden should talk to his pastor about that incoherence. President Biden should consider Jesus’ words: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.’

With the sword of the Spirit in hand and persevering in prayer, the body of Christ must be ever ready to proclaim in love the gospel of life.

Alberto L. Almanza



not apparent

For many years I have been entertained by Mrs. Imelda Coronado, and now her husband, in The Monitor’s Letters section.

In her letter of July 29 she states unequivocally that “illegal crossers have brought devastation to all.” She doesn’t bother to tell us all of what, but she is sure, whatever it is, “all” will be devastated by their presence.

To most Americans, devastation is equivalent to the results of Katrina, Genghis Kahn, Hiroshima or, had he been allowed to go much further, Donald Trump.

I went to Brownsville last week. No burned buildings, the people didn’t seem helpless. I called friends in Houston and Wheeling and they had no instances of devastation and no typhoons have struck South Padre Island. I haven’t seen a bomb crater in either Mission or McAllen. Just where is all of this going on? What devastation have you experienced? We, your readers await your explanation.

Ned Sheats




There is a war on women in this country and it comes from one political party in our two-party system. What used to be the Grand Old Party has allowed its name to be inhabited by a few greedy politicians who lead and many more who follow. The current leader set the tone for misogyny with his numerous lawsuits from women who claim sexual abuse or rape, and he topped it off with a video that went viral. His words claimed it was OK to kiss women whenever he felt like it and that it was OK to grab a woman between the legs. “You can do anything if you’re a star.” None of this could be lost on TV viewers. He was elected to the highest office.

Then the campaign to get three “conservative” justices on the Supreme Court: Dark money funded that campaign and they were installed. It was hardly a secret they were meant to overturn Roe v. Wade.

I can remember many candidates for the Supreme Court who, when questioned on certain issues, their supporters would say there is no litmus test for these political questions, that it would be wrong.

Now we have J.D. Vance running for office. He has said in an interview that women should stay in a marriage where they are being abused. His grandparents, he relates, had a violent marriage but his grandmother never left. She stayed. In his world, from this creepy example, women should just stick it out and never leave a marriage where they are verbally or physically abused or both.

Women do not need martyrdom. They need support, a job, and money to act, to leave a violent marriage that can destroy a woman’s soul and damage children for life.

Shirley Rickett
