Letters: Complaints expressed

What is this world coming to? What has this country become? Men can now get pregnant, archeologists are being asked to not label the sex of human remains unearthed because they don’t have any idea what gender these remains identified with when they were still living!

It gets better! Doctors have just uncovered that our government has been fudging the numbers on COVID! They want to keep us in fear and control how we live! How can we trust these people?

I retired two years ago and week later, I turned 69! I started working at the age of 9, washing parts and sweeping floors in my Dad’s after-work, second job, Ernest’s Transmission Service at 13th & Tyler, a couple of blocks from The Brownsville Herald. I served my country and along with my wife, we served the children of Brownsville! Now here we sit, extremely upset because our vacation plans have been scrapped because we are now recovering from our second bout with COVID! We worked all our lives to have what we have and here we are dealing with a virus that all of us, you and I, are going to have to live with and die with! Why?

All of us should be screaming at our government officials to find out why and who is responsible. Someone is responsible! Can they reverse-engineer the virus? How many millions have died worldwide?

Somebody did it!

Ernest Gorena


Move over,


Benedict Arnold was major general in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. He defected to the British side, and ended up fighting against the soldiers whom he had once commanded. His name became synonymous with treason and betrayal.

Almost two and a half centuries later, history is about to move Gen. Arnold to the sidelines, as new candidates vie for his legendry and treacherous betrayal of his country and his countrymen.

Among the favorites, and the two front runners: Donald J. Trump and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. One, the leader of all American forces, with access and control of America’s entire arsenal of war. The other, tasked with commanding America’s counter-terrorism strategy and leading other intelligence services throughout his active-duty career.

Runners-up include: former Attorney General William Barr, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, Sen. Lindsey Graham, Roger Stone, Rudy Giuliani, Steve Bannon, and an array of opportunists, cynics, stooges, accomplices, institutionalists, and the list goes on and on.

History is always hard, sometimes brutal, but always factual and accurate. That is the benefit of time, hindsight and reflection. The history of America’s 45th president will be harsh and devastating. This president demanded attention, recognition and adulation, even pushing world leaders out of his way, as he barged his way to the front of a photo shoot at a NATO gathering of world dignitaries. History will make him infamous and notorious. So, move over Benedict, your replacement has just shoved you out of first place. At least, he’s the favorite of the two front runners.

Betrayal of country and of duty could not go further up than the presidency. Never in American history has a president ever made the list of contenders, much less front runner. His candidacy for this ignominious position belies the patronage and defense by his enablers, facilitators and implementers. Most presidential legacies are marked by their eloquence, their courageous endeavors, their vision, and their even their empathy and compassion. Our 45th president not only trampled the Presidential Seal, he repudiated his oath of office, and attempted to shred the very Constitution that has for more than two centuries guided and nurtured our evolution and advancement as a nation and a people.

So, move over Benedict, history is about to replace you. Traitors, conspirators and schemers of historical proportions don’t come along every century, nor do they get any worse than what America has endured, and continues to suffer, under the guise of Making America Great Again. And the Big Lie continues.

Al Garcia

San Juan



In Imelda Coronado’s July 18 letter she states that free speech has no place for gross gutter language, yet she defends Donald Trump’s language. She says respectful citizens should never settle for garbage-filled discourse, yet she supports Trump’s vile, vindictive name calling.

Ms. Coronado calls for unbiased neutral research, then she goes on a rant about Joe Biden’s vindictive, chronic lying and corruption without any substantive evidence to support her statements.

Ms. Coronado talks about real scandals but doesn’t mention what they are. Criticism should be backed up by facts, like direct quotes, for example.

There is no doubt about Trump’s corruption. Trump cheated to get into college, he cheated to get out of Vietnam, he cheated on his taxes, he cheated students at his scam university, he cheated donors on his scam charity. All these facts are available to anyone who looks them up. You won’t find these facts on Fox or any of the other radical right-wing propaganda sources.

I guess Ms. Coronado doesn’t see Trump’s attempt to overthrow the legally elected government of the U.S. as a scandal.

She states that professional journalism should never include graphic, filthy language, but yet she supports Trump, who uses this language. The president of our great country should set the example for civil discourse, not the filthy language Trump used on many occasions.

The point of journalism is to print the truth, not to please those who can’t stand the truth.

Beto Conde

Rancho Viejo



The San Antonio Express-News’ editorial printed July 19 expresses blame-deflective discourse against our great, courageous Gov. Greg Abbott on the uncontrolled border crisis created by Biden-Harris policies. They refuse to come to the border to witness their own disastrous creation at the Texas southern border and the cruelty they’re imposing against the American taxed-out workers and this uncontrolled flow of migrants.

Could Biden and Harris be xenophobic about meeting these poor migrants, since their own entitled lives have been lived in White America elitism in Brentwood, Delaware, the Hamptons, Nantucket and the Washington swamp? After all, these migrants to them mean nothing but votes and oppressive work that these elites will never have to do. To blame Gov. Abbott and ignore the real perpetrators of this humanitarian tyranny is to act like ostriches burying their heads in the sand. Deflect blame where blame belongs — with these global new order dictators who appease foreign countries, confiscate guns and bleed our country’s coffers to pretend they’re great absent humanitarians.

Imelda Coronado




Apparently Joel Ramirez thinks that the former, twice-impeached president is a genius.



Doesn’t know how to pronounce “Yosemite.”

In 2016 blamed Saudi Arabia for the 9/11 attacks, but then conveniently questions their involvement after a golf tournament at his golf course.

Yep. A real “genius,” Mr. Ramirez.

Mike Martinez
