Letters: Comments analyzed

Whew! I read Mr. Uhrmacher’s long letter to the editor on June 10, “Winds of revolution approaching gale force,” and it sort of scared me. It was mostly about doom and gloom and how Joe Biden is a really “bad” guy. He mentioned struggles and sufferings and listening to Biden’s “senseless diatribe.”

It’s clear he doesn’t like our “viejito” president very much. He insinuates that because of Biden the U.S. is “begging” for oil from communist countries that “hate” us. As if dealing with communist countries like China is a bad thing? I bet Walmart doesn’t think so.

If gas and oil high prices is a worldwide problem, why are we blaming “el viejito?”

Besides, we don’t see fewer cars on the highway and ExxonMobil profits are doubling. Are we paying for gas or are we paying for greed? Want to cut down on ExxonMobil profits? Want to see gas prices go down? Let’s do our part. Ride a bike, a bus, or do more walking, like in the good old days.

“We no longer have a border,” Mr. U says. “Biden encourages illegal aliens to flood into America for his own benefit, for their loyalty, for their votes. Wait, what? Illegal aliens can now vote in America? Is Biden planning to run for reelection?

Mr. U claims only 26% of Hispanics support Biden. OK, this is utterly unbelievable nonsense. Where did he get this from? Tucker Carlson on Fox News?

He claims we have the largest gas, coal and oil deposits in the world. We can build safe pipelines and ensure clean energy. OK, fine, but are U.S. refineries aware of this capability?

Inflation was a deliberate Biden choice. OMG, why? To enhance his popularity? Maybe.

Mr. U wrote that politics resemble the violent last days of the Roman Empire. Was he referring to the Jan. 06 riot in the Capitol? No. He was referring to the Department of Justice approving the rights of protesters to protest the possible overturning of Roe vs. Wade.

Mr. U claims there is no free speech on campuses anymore. OK, so why aren’t students protesting? We don’t like protesters protesting and then we wonder why nobody protests?

The two paragraphs before his closing were mostly way over my head, but his closing was impressive. He wrote: “The American people reject the inadequate and damaging policies of recent history and it is through the ballot box that they will demonstrate their dissatisfaction and power. The winds of revolution must be calmed and each of us must work intently toward our constitutional and democratic ways of governing.”

If the GOP listen and take to heart Mr. Uhrmacher’s words, maybe they will start finding ways to win elections fairly without having to ever cheat again! God bless America!

Italo J. Zarate




Mr. Melvin Thompson was irate at Beto O’Rourke’s lack of respect, rudeness and typical bad Democratic behavior during a news conference with Gov. Abbott. Nowhere in his letter did I see a reference to Jan. 6 (beating up Capitol police, trespassing on government property, damaging our White House, threatening to hang the vice president, etc.).

Oh, I forgot — Republicans call this behavior “a peaceful, legal protest.”

Vote common sense. Vote Democratic.

Shirley Heyn
