Letters: Compare weapons

The American people are being misled by the news media and the anti-gun people implying that an AR-15 is a military-style “assault weapon.” It is not. It fires one bullet with each pull of the trigger, just like other semi-automatic firearms used every day by the American people. It does not have the capability of firing as an automatic rifle, whereas the military assault weapons like the M-16A1 and M-4 carbine can.

In a semi-automatic rifle one bullet is fired with each pull of the trigger, whereas with an automatic rifle just pull the trigger one time and hold it down, and it will fire every bullet until it runs out.

I am surprised someone hasn’t made a video of firing at targets with a semi-automatic rifle such as the Remington Model 742 and the AR-15. Have both guns use a 20-round magazine for the experiment because that is the largest magazine available today for the Model 742.

The Model 742 has been around since 1960 and is commonly used as a deer rifle. This would demonstrate that the only difference between a Remington 742 hunting rifle and an AR-15 rifle is cosmetics. One will see that both firearms will fire exactly the same way, and with exactly the same speed.

I believe this anti-AR-15 movement is just another attempt of the anti-gun people’s objective, which is to eventually take away all of our guns.

Darrell Williams Sr.




The Monitor professes to carefully fact-check any and all information it prints on the opinion page. This I have been told by a person from The Monitor who has the authority to say so.

Now I’m sitting here, reading The Monitor of May 31, and see on the Opinion page a cartoon with two drawings. The first drawing shows Republican leaders holding a sign protesting critical race theory with a caption that reads, “What Republican leaders consider to be a threat to our schools.”

The second drawing shows a school room with desks overturned, a dead child (student), an assault rifle on the floor, and bullets shells scattered all over the room with a caption that reads, “What they don’t.”

How dare you imply that we conservatives are in favor of murdering children?

How can you possibly fact-check this cartoon and approve it with a straight face?

You are implying that Republicans condone that a deranged shooter massacres 19 innocent children and two devoted, career teachers. Really? How thoroughly did you fact-check this?

I have not heard, nor will I hear a single Republican express this horrendous view.

We conservatives are mostly God-fearing, patriotic, loyal Americans, and we intend to stay that way to our last breath. We do defend our right to bear arms, and for that we do not apologize.

Mexico has one of the strictest gun laws in the world. How well has that worked out?

Remember, guns don’t kill people and pencils don’t write novels.

José C. Coronado



to writer

Dear Ms. Coronado, your writings do not need to be defended. When you refer to “weaponized media” you start your tirade of generalizations that, if there are “weaponized media,” Fox must be the worst.

You criticize the “continued inflation” without any example of the “taxes over taxes” on which you are blaming it (Commentary, May 31). Your abuse of immigrants less fortunate than yourself rises to the level of persecution when you state that their presence “leaves Americans scrimping to make ends meet.” How much have you scrimped lately, Ms. Coronado?

You offer that immigrants may pay up to $15,000 to enter the country. Where did that figure come from? It may be even more, or it may be all the money they have in the world.

You then further discredit your own opinions by attacking critical race theory and assigning it nefarious goals. Ms. Coronado, it is only a statement that we will not be able to completely remove racism without facing and understanding the (unedited by conservatives) past.

It is conservatives who out of fear of the truth have painted it as an effort to brainwash children.

It is also amusing to see your statement that “some liberals are never open to dialogue.” Who, which ones? Dialogue is a two-way conversation, something that appears to irritate you to no end.

Finally, Ms. Coronado, you offered a quote. The same author also stated, “The person who’s in love with their vision of community will destroy community. But the person who loves the people around them will create community everywhere they go.” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Ned Sheats
