Letters: Let us all unite against violence

Once again, our hearts are broken as the result of evil running amok in a school. The tragedy is compounded when it is a repeat murderous assault on the most vulnerable of humans — children in a classroom who looked forward to going home to play and be with their families.

No matter the tool the evil-doer used, the aguish is the same, whether fire, bombs, long rifles, handguns, vehicles or tools of war. The human heart is deceptively wicked and seeks ways to harm others when that evil is not held in check.

I recall a radio program we listened to in the early 1950s called The Shadow. It always began with sinister music and “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows,” followed by a horrible laugh and more sinister music.

Evil is no laughing matter. We can gloss over it and say it is “just a phase” or “it’s only those kinds of people,” when in fact, if we look deep enough into a mirror we might be horrified to see remnants of that within our view.

It is past time to stop pointing fingers at this group or that group and saying or thinking it is “they,” when collectively it is all of us.

Our political parties and secret terrorist groups here and abroad have one goal: to have power over “everyone not like us,” by being elected or by remaining in office. Most of the people serving are truly trying to make a difference, but the history and the secret goals of “being the boss of bosses” lurks in far too many hearts. What the party in power desires is not always what the real people want and not many bother, or care, to try to govern by laws that are consistent with long-held reality as being good for any people for thousands of years to be valuable laws to live by.

We the people have been obsessed with “my way” instead of what is best for the whole. Does your hand think it is better than your fingers? Does your heart consider itself to be more important than your brain? No, of course not.

At this additional evil tragedy that has fallen within our state and nation, could we not begin to think rationally about how to help the thousands of people who are truly mentally ill and have no help because of stigma? No longer are our mental facilities dungeons, but they are understaffed and who wants to work there? Pay is not great. What is it worth to each of us? What are we each willing to do about aiding and healing, if possible, the evil that creates these horrible crimes?

Of course, there are many nations facing wars and terror in their own places today, but we here in the United States at one time were united — but it seems we are more untied today than for a very long time.

Wake up, please. And let us all human beings living in the USA begin today to work as one united against evil and stop the finger-pointing and blame games. Please — not one more innocent child — fill in the blank.

Carol Lutsinger


Dirt wanted

on Republicans

MAGA Republicans — what is the matter with them? I can name on one hand the number of Democrats who are not good for our party, starting with Joe Manchin. I would love to hear from a levelheaded Republican who names all the Republicans who are bad for the regular Republican party. I’m sure they cannot only use both hands and both feet to count them starting with Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Josh Crowley, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Gosar, Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, etc.

These are just a few; I’m sure I can find more, but honestly, I would love to hear Republicans’ negative talk on these people and not just praise them just because they want to win the midterm elections or ultimately to win the presidency. Vote country, not party!

If Trump runs in 2024 and wins, Democracy as we know it will die in America. Throughout our history our soldiers have died to defend this. I’m afraid their lives will have been in vain, when the true enemy within our country destroys our freedoms of democracy.

During this year’s midterm elections, we need to go out in force and vote anti-Republican. Not because a Democrat is better, but we need to stop these MAGA crazies from taking over our country.

We need for all our representatives, Congress members, even our local judges and politicians to be held accountable for their actions and discipline. We need to enforce a code of conduct. No more lies, curse words, disrespects to our sitting president or our country.

Rick Ruenes
