Police warn: Don’t buy into latest social media scam

Don’t fall for this social media scam, Brownsville police warned early Thursday.

You’re logged on to a social media platform, and you get a message from a friend. The conversation starts out innocently enough.

“How are you doing?” they ask.

But the following messages could be leading you to part with your money, police warn.

“The Brownsville Police Department has become aware of a recent scam being used on Instagram,” the police department warned Monday. “A person’s account gets hacked and then messages are being sent to their friends list. Conversation starts out by asking how you’re doing. Then they ask you if you heard about their new adventure.”

The scammer then tells you the Health and Human Services is offering bonuses for people that donate money to them for several programs.

“The message comes from someone on your friends list,” the police department said. “Don’t fall for this scam and DO NOT SEND MONEY to anyone using this scam.”

The Brownsville Police Department has become aware of a recent scam being used on Instagram, the police department warned Monday. A person’s account gets hacked and then messages are being sent to their friends list. Conversation starts out by asking how you’re doing. Then they ask you if you heard about their new adventure. (Courtesy)


The Brownsville Police Department has become aware of a recent scam being used on Instagram, the police department warned Monday. A person’s account gets hacked and then messages are being sent to their friends list. Conversation starts out by asking how you’re doing. Then they ask you if you heard about their new adventure. (Courtesy)