Mission hires former Edinburg police chief to lead department

Cesar Torres

The city of Mission hired a former Edinburg police chief to take over its police department as the city’s longtime chief retires.

City spokesperson Roxanne Casares said former Edinburg Police Chief Cesar Torres began working Monday with the department as its public safety director and will help during the transition for Chief Robert Dominguez’s retirement.

Dominguez, who has been with the Mission Police Department for 35 years, became chief in 2013 and will retire April 30.

Torres, who had a rocky and litigious tenure with the city of Edinburg, is expected to be sworn in as police chief May 2.

Torres was sworn in as Edinburg’s police chief Dec. 20, 2018. However, by May 21, 2021, he had been fired.

His tenure was marked by a police union lawsuit that alleged he discriminated against union members, which a neutral arbiter later agreed with and ruled in the union’s favor.

His last month with the city was marked by lawsuits he filed against the city and its officials, both of which are still open and active.

However, from Torres’ perspective, he improved the department by modernizing it and increasing the number of cases closed.

Torres also cited drug and cash seizures as evidence of his success.