A 4-year-old boy hit his head on the rocks of the South Padre Island jetties Sunday, requiring emergency medical care, authorities said Monday.
The U.S. Coast Guard medevaced a 4-year-old child Sunday on South Padre Island.
While underway near the northern jetties at 6:22 p.m., a Coast Guard Station South Padre Island 33-foot Special Purpose Craft–Law Enforcement boat crew noticed a family on the jetty waving them down. The parents of a 4-year-old boy notified the Coast Guard crew that their son had fallen on the rocks, sustained lacerations on his head and may need medical attention.
The boat crew took the 4-year-old aboard, administered first-aid and transferred the child to awaiting emergency medical services personnel at Station South Padre Island.
EMS then transported him to the Valley Regional Medical Center in Brownsville, in reportedly stable condition, Coast Guard officials said Monday.