4 more RGV residents die due to COVID

EDINBURG — Hidalgo County reported one more death related to the coronavirus Monday along with 59 new cases of the virus.

The fatality was a woman over 70 from Mission.

Of the 59 new cases, seven were reported as confirmed, 13 probable and 39 suspected, bringing the county to a total of 90,797 cases, 59,555 of which confirmed, 29,279 probable and 1,963 suspected.

The county reports 93 individuals in local hospitals with the virus, 26 of whom are in intensive care units.

Cameron County reported 111 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday and three new deaths related to the virus.

Monday’s fatalities included two women and one man, residents from Harlingen and Brownsville who were all above the age of 70.

The new cases raise the total there to 41,124 and the additional fatalities raise the death toll 1,652.