VA to hold listening session for veterans

HARLINGEN – Here’s an opportunity for local veterans to get the latest information on what’s happening at the VA and have a voice about how things are handled.

The VA Texas Valley Coastal Bend Health Care System is hosting a virtual listening session Friday at noon.

“Our VA director is having a listening session for all veterans so they can advise them and get some feedback and input about where the VA is going,” said Gregory Walker, public affairs officer. “They have a vested interest in how the VA operates, what things they need.”

The listening session, Walker said, is extremely important, especially for those who may not be aware of what’s been happening at the VA.

Those who may have had some concerns in the past or may want to address any issues will certainly want to tune in.

And, their attendance is also very important to the VA.

“We won’t know until they try to let us know what issues they have,” Walker said.

The feedback will be used to develop the recommendations VA submits to the Asset and Infrastructure Review (AIR) Commission in January 2022.

The AIR Commission will also conduct public hearings as part of their review of VA’s recommendations before submitting its recommendations to the President and Congress for review and approval in 2023.

To register for the Harlingen VA’s listening session, visit the VA WebEx Enterprise Site.