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The Brownsville Herald

‘The Long Game’: Brownsville, San Manuel natives help tell Mexican American success story

Our South Texas success stories often start this way, with little to no resources but ingenuity and fierce determination.

Photo Gallery: Amelia Earhart statue unveiled at Dean Porter Park

BROWNSVILLE — The Dean Porter Park Renovation Inc. unveiled a life-sized sculpture of legendary aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart on Tuesday at Dean Porter Park to memorialize her connection here.

Brownsville ISD consolidates schools in Southmost

The Brownsville Independent School District Board of Trustees voted Tuesday to consolidate three pairs of schools in Southmost, aiming to initially save about $1 million per consolidation and setting a timeline to complete the change-over by fall 2024.

Bollywood in Brownsville: Fundraiser to benefit Ozanam Center

Bollywood in Brownsville, coming April 19, has a dual purpose in mind: help out the Ozanam Center while giving ticket buyers a rare taste of India’s lively, vibrant culture and cuisine.

Brownsville’s Rich Products begins phase two of $177M expansion

Rich Products announced this month that phase two of its $117 million, 150,000-square-foot expansion in Brownsville is underway, ultimately resulting in the creation of more than 130 new jobs.

Conservation, indigenous groups sue Texas Parks and Wildlife to block SpaceX land swap

Conservation organizations and indigenous groups are suing Texas Parks and Wildlife to block a controversial land swap with SpaceX one month after commissioners approved the deal.

Editorial: Help with substance abuse is available in the Valley; don’t be afraid to...

Behavioral health experts have reported an increase in cases of substance abuse and other treatments since the COVID-19 pandemic began. While the cases of the viral disease continue to wane, the need for treatment for addiction and other behavioral, and mental, problems remains high.

Commentary: LNG pause stifles Texas’ ability to deliver energy freedom, Security

The Biden administration’s recent decision to pause the permitting approval process for U.S. liquefied natural gas exports is a major mistake based on inaccurate information that puts American jobs and allies at risk and undermines the global progress made possible through increased use of American natural gas.

Commentary: AI for better buildings

In the next 30 years, sea levels will rise as much as they have in the last century, threatening urban areas all over the world.

Take the short trip for Baffin Bay Seafood

RIVIERA — It finally happened.