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LETTERS: Cowards in Congress

May 28, 2021, will be remembered as another day of infamy! Our Republican Congress members have voted to downgrade our democracy by not supporting...

LETTERS: Will refuge be sliced up?

Meatloaf is a local, economical and substantial meal, and let’s say your particular meatloaf is legendary and prized by the locals. The local politicians...

LETTERS: Change elections

If Republicans expect to win elections, especially in Texas: Political representatives, please legislate against corruption by making it illegal and heavily penalized for politiqueras to...

LETERS: Money not free

What a problem Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and gang gave the American people when they passed the American relief bill. To people...

EDITORIAL: Thanks, Dad: Best gift for Father’s Day: Show him he’s appreciated

For many families, Father’s Day is a bit different from Mother’s Day, which is celebrated a month earlier. Families make it a point to...

EDITORIAL: Buying votes: Abbott’s border wall promise a political waste of tax money

Greg Abbott knows better. As the chief executive of the state with the largest international border, the Texas governor knows that a border wall...

LETTERS: Bible depicts socialism

When Ms. Imelda Coronado refers to “Dear Lord” (Letters, May 24), I assume she is referring to Jesus or the Jewish God. I would...

COMMENTARY: Partnerships critical to vaccinating Rio Grande Valley residents

By DR. ELENA MARIN, Special to the VMS Earlier this year, the Rio Grande Valley was reported to have one of the lowest COVID-19 vaccination...

LETTERS: One man’s perspectiveL

This is not a hate commentary but just my observation. I don’t claim to be the sharpest tool in the kitchen, and I have definitely...

LETTERS: Question for Biden

Hey, Joe Biden, when is “build back better” supposed to start? You’ve shut down the pipeline causing increases in gas prices. You’ve allowed massive illegal...