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EDITORIAL: Sweetened pot: Mexico legalizing cannabis; high time we consider it too

Recreational use of marijuana will soon be legal in Mexico, leaving the United States as the only major North American country where it remains...

EDITORIAL: New leader: Search for STC president should be thorough, open

Whoever replaces Shirley Reed as president of South Texas College has at once some big shoes to fill, and a strong example of leadership...

EDITORIAL: Seeking secrecy: Some legislators keep trying to stop informing the public

For decades now, the Texas Legislature has seen proposed legislation that seeks to erase the legal requirement that government entities publish announcements of meetings,...

EDITORIAL: Class papers: Bill seeks to better protect student publication content

Student papers have produced valuable articles that brought attention to talented students or help organizations find support for endeavors or travel for major events....

EDITORIAL: Overwhelmed: Major steps are necessary to address wave of migrants

It’s good to see that President Biden has addressed border issues early in his term. Using both executive actions and legislative proposals, he has...

EDITORIAL: No excuse: Pandemic doesn’t justify weakening openness laws

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new challenges to people who have sought to gather information about their government and keep its officials honest and...

EDITORIAL: Fair voting: Officials need to support equal access to ballot box

President Biden and Congress are taking steps to support and increase access to the ballot box, even as some state legislatures strengthen restrictions. The...

EDITORIAL: Trigger happy: We best promote peace through peaceful policies

We have the world’s biggest and baddest military, and we’re not afraid to use it. That seems to be the message new Americans seem to...

EDITORIAL: Not just stats: Pandemic changes lives more than we may think

COVID-19 has had the Rio Grande Valley — and the world — in its grips for a year now. It was a hard blow...

EDITORIAL: Praiseworthy: U.S. workers have earned appreciation in pandemic

Today is National Employee Appreciation Day. If anyone deserves such appreciation this year, it’s our nation’s workers, who have kept our communities fed, supplied...