78.5 F


EDITORIAL: Benched: School closings threaten dreams of many athletes

Many people justifiably are worried that the COVID-19 pandemic will not have abated sufficiently to open school campuses for the fall semester. With the...

EDITORIAL: Unease: We should appreciate our freedom to dissent

We come to the Fourth of July amid times that arguably are the most unstable since the 1960s.  Civilians have taken to the streets...

EDITORIAL: Trading up: USMCA set to take effect amid wealth of uncertainty

It seemed forever in coming, but the U.S-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which replaces the North American Free Trade Agreement, goes into effect Wednesday. We trust that officials...

EDITORIAL: Staying put: Father’s Day traditions fit with pandemic rules

Chances are, stay-home requests brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic don’t change many families’ plans for Father’s Day. And Dad’s probably just fine with...

EDITORIAL: Juneteenth: Despite nation’s progress, social justice not achieved

People all over the United States are celebrating Juneteenth, a date that many consider the nail that closed the coffin on slavery in this...

EDITORIAL: Playing safe: Early sandbag distribution prepares more for storms

No major storms appear headed this way, but some Rio Grande Valley residents already have the sandbags they might need to fight the threat...

EDITORIAL: Safe voting: Counties should consider adding early polling sites

Texas has some unfinished business with regard to our spring elections, and county officials can help ease possible crowding — and lingering fears that...

EDITORIAL: It’s private: Success of SpaceX, others shows private projects best

One day after a spectacular explosion destroyed a prototype rocket at Boca Chica Beach, SpaceX successfully launched two men into space; they are now...

EDITORIAL: Attacked: Violence against news media expands to dangerous levels

The declared war on news media is taking hold; it’s taking its toll, and it’s taking casualties. Everyone who values accurate accounts of community...

EDITORIAL: It gets better: Graduates face unusual conditions and challenges

This year’s graduation season is an unusual one, to say the least. Graduation is one of the first major milestones for many students; it...