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COMMENTARY: There is no Democratic civil war

BY DOYLE MCMANUSAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the new heroine of the Democratic Party left, is a virtual cinch to win her election to the House from...

COMMENTARY: Separating families at the border is beneath the dignity of this great democracy

BY JORGE PIEDRAOur country has been consumed with reports about the separation of children from their families at the nation’s border. Children, as young...

COMMENTARY: When dust settles, new courthouse will be worth ‘temporary inconvenience’

BY HIDALGO COUNTY JUDGE RAMON GARCIAWith construction on the new Hidalgo County Courthouse scheduled to begin on Sept. 4, comes a lot of changes...

COMMENTARY: Update on Texas budget

BY STATE SEN. JUAN "CHUY" HINOJOSAOne of the most important responsibilities of the Texas Legislature is to approve a balanced budget that meets the...

COMMENTARY: With his flip-flopping on Latinos, Newt is a chameleon

BY RUBEN NAVARRETTE JR.No mas, Newt!After two decades of watching the former House speaker wrestle clumsily with Latino outreach, I can’t take any more...

COMMENTARY: Trump scores on the economy

BY JAY AMBROSEIn the final analysis, government is not the chief actor that gets the economy perking again after some kind of setback or...

COMMENTARY: Remembering a voice of rationality

BY REKHA BASUDecades ago, then Washington-based syndicated columnist Donald Kaul was invited by the editor of The Des Moines Register, his primary employer, to...

COMMENTARY: Let’s root for Koch Brothers in this trade battle

BY JOE NOCERANever in a million years did I expect to write these words:Thank goodness for the Koch brothers!I know, I know: Their political...

COMMENTARY: With Trump’s subsidy, farmers grow distrustful of simple solutions

BY RUBEN NAVARRETTE JR.Take it from this country boy, Mr. President.Farmers — including those in my native Central California — don’t need your handout....

COMMENTARY: The Democratic Party doesn’t need unifying; factions are fine

BY DAVE ANDERSONIt is an assumption about the nature of political parties that they must have a direction, and that direction must speak for...