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COMMENTARY: Stagnating wages don’t tell the whole story

BY RAMESH PONNURUThe average wage earned in America has been stagnating for four decades, according to the Pew Research Center. It’s a shocking finding....

COMMENTARY: Fox News hosts compete in nativist Olympics

BY RUBEN NAVARRETTE JR.Talk about a race to the bottom. There is a kind of xenophobia Olympics going on at Fox News.Primetime hosts Tucker...

COMMENTARY: Farmers want fair trade, not handouts

BY ANTHONY PAHNKEMy grandfather, who was a dairy farmer, would often say, “farmers do not need to go into a casino to gamble. They...

COMMENTARY: Alex Jones is a loathsome windbag — let him speak

BY JOSEPH HOLTIt was widely reported Monday that Facebook, Apple, YouTube and Spotify removed content from right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his Infowars...

COMMENTARY: Politics have no place in the judiciary

BY JAMES M. KRAMONIf the only consequence of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s 293-day delay in scheduling a consent hearing for Judge Merrick Garland’s...

COMMENTARY: Nation in turmoil must choose civility

BY KAY COLES JAMESIn 1961, I participated in what a Richmond, Va., newspaper called “one of the most ambitious experiments in race-mixing the South...

COMMENTARY: Craziness on the loose in public affairs

BY JAY AMBROSEDon’t just stand there, do something, the old saying goes, and, in this peculiar, modern age in which we live, that often...

COMMENTARY: Don’t expect much to change after the midterms

BY JONATHAN BERNSTEINRepublicans will probably take a vote on Obamacare repeal in the 116th Congress next year if they get the chance. But I...

COMMENTARY: Trump loses a battle in his war on truth

BY FRANCIS WILKINSONPresident Donald Trump admitted over the weekend that the true purpose of the 2016 Trump Tower meeting between his senior campaign team...

COMMENTARY: The difference between evidence and proof

BY JOHN M. CRISPClear language struggles to thrive in the face of passion, which may help explain why, as our politics becomes more passionate,...