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Justice Dept. moves to end DACA; County passes symbolic resolution supporting Dreamers

EDINBURG — Hidalgo County commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday to pass a resolution in support of DACA and the efforts of Dreamers, but just hours...

More meetings on DACA set for today

Despite a federal court ruling delaying the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, members of Congress continue bipartisan negotiations Wednesday to...

Democrats face tough challenge in selling Trump’s promised wall

WASHINGTON — Democrats face a political challenge ahead if they cut a deal to protect “Dreamers” this month: explaining how they gave President Donald...

Agents find 9 migrants hidden in truck

Border Patrol agents found nine migrants hidden in a rental truck at the Falfurrias checkpoint early Wednesday morning, according to a U.S. Customs and...

‘High number’ of migrants found dead over weeklong period

Border Patrol agents say they’ve recovered the remains “of an unusually high number of immigrants” over the past week as temperatures in the Rio...

New Homeland Security Secretary visits RGV during first week on job

HIDALGO — Less than a week after taking office, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen stood in the shadow of the levee wall here and...

SB 4 opposition organized in Valley

When most McAllen residents were heading to work Friday morning, members of the Rio Grande Equal Voice Network held a rally and news conference...

Dreamers’ still at risk as clarity is sought on policy

McALLEN — Confusion surrounding new policies that led to the detainment of nine DACA recipients at the Falfurrias checkpoint on Monday remain unresolved following...

Trump administration signals DACA’s end

McALLEN — While clutching her 11-month-old baby boy in one arm and a protest sign in the other, Kathia Ramirez stood outside the office...

Seven cities to vote on border wall resolutions Tuesday

Seven cities in Hidalgo County will consider resolutions opposing the border wall Tuesday, the same day Congress reconvenes to decide before the month’s end...