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Valley Interfaith leaders urge Congress to fix DACA

As President Donald Trump’s deadline for the expiration of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals quickly approaches, Valley Interfaith leaders gathered Tuesday morning to...

Valley man sues DHS for racial discrimination

In a lawsuit filed against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in federal court last week, a Brownsville man claims his employee security clearance...

Amid failure to pass immigration bill, wall opponents protest VP’s visit

HIDALGO — With a border fence symbolically at their backs, more than 20 members of the Rio Grande Valley Equal Voice Network on Friday...

Deaths at Mexico border have increased

More migrants were found dead along the U.S.-Mexico border in 2017 than the year before, according to data released this week from the International...

Civil rights group releases report on deported service members

MISSION — The Texas Civil Rights Project, a nonprofit organization that provides legal advocacy work, held their annual reception Thursday night where they presented...

Legal advocacy nonprofit to release report on deported vets

Just three years ago there were more than 500,000 veterans nationwide who were foreign-born — either noncitizens or naturalized U.S. citizens.That statistic is according...

Gonzalez: Big gap in reaching DACA deal

A deal for Dreamers appears “far apart” just one week before Washington prepares for another potential government shutdown, at least according to one local...

Group of immigrants found in trailer at checkpoint; fifth incident this year

Border patrol agents stationed at the checkpoint found the fifth group of migrants hidden in a tractor trailer since the start of the year...

Immigrant advocates denounce congressman for ‘inability to protect Dreamers’

Following their votes Thursday for a stopgap measure to keep the federal government running, two Rio Grande Valley congressmen came under fire Friday from...

Input from border mayors sought on wall

While White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly told Congressional Hispanic Caucus members Wednesday that he valued their input, he also expressed a...