77.8 F


Commentary: Working to secure Mexico’s compliance with 1944 water treaty

As your representative in Washington, I am acutely aware of the challenges our farmers and ranchers face in the Lower Rio Grande Valley due to water shortages. A recent report from Texas A&M’s Center for North American Studies highlights the potential for over $993.2 million in lost economic output for 2024, attributed largely to Mexico’s failure to comply with the 1944 water treaty. This issue is not isolated to our agricultural sector; it is a crisis that threatens our community’s livelihood, our economy, and our way of life.

Commentary: Who gets patent for AI?

The ability of artificial intelligence models to generate text and images that look like the work of human beings has captured public attention as the latest and possibly greatest revolution in technology — in areas ranging from medical diagnosis to clean energy.

Commentary: Paxton’s attack on migrant shelter is an attack on religious freedom

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s recent legal assault on El Paso’s Annunciation House should set off alarm bells across Texas’ religious community. He claims, absurdly, without proof that the Catholic non-profit organization is illegally “smuggling” undocumented immigrants. This is because Annunciation House provides immigrants with food, shelter and advice on how to legally apply for asylum to immigrants regardless of their legal status.

Commentary: Texas remembers: Reflecting on COVID-19 Heroes and Memorial Day

On March 4, Texas will celebrate the inaugural COVID-19 Heroes and Memorial Day to remind us of our state’s strength, sacrifice and unwavering spirit during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. As the author and sponsor of Texas House Bill 2166, which established the COVID-19 Heroes and Memorial Day during the 88th Legislative session, we are honored to reflect on the profound significance of this historic event.

Commentary: Online immortality: Coming to terms with the digital afterlife

It started with an urgent, mid-morning text message, accompanied by a breaking news photo that was going viral. A Rio Grande Valley man had lost control of his big rig on U.S. 77 in South Texas, resulting in a catastrophic wreck. The driver, a former U.S. Marine, died at the scene. I recognized his name and the trucking line immediately.

Commentary: Perils of a second Trump term

As the political landscape unfolds and the prospect of a second term for Donald Trump looms on the horizon, it is imperative to scrutinize the potential dangers such an outcome presents. The tumultuous tenure of President Trump’s first term has left an indelible mark on American society, marked by division, erosion of democratic norms and disregard for the rule of law. Granting him another term in office would not only exacerbate these existing perils but also pose new and unprecedented threats to the fabric of our nation.

Commentary: Proposed TPWD land exchange receives county support

Whether you’re a born-and-bred local or looking for your next adventure, Cameron County is a true paradise on Earth. Here, amid our warm climate, rich culture and captivating wildlife, you will find a sanctuary that invites everyone to immerse themselves in our community’s splendor.

Commentary: Felons can’t hold office

CBS’s legal expert Rikki Klieman greenlighted the idea that “You can run for president and serve for president if convicted of a crime in our system.” Let me correct her: No, you can’t. The fact that nothing in the Constitution explicitly prohibits a convicted felon from running the country does not mean the Founders intended that to happen.

Commentary: Palm Valley Animal Society marks 50 years of saving lives

I've spent the last few months doing a deep dive into the history of Palm Valley Animal Society's first 50 years. It's a wild and wooly story with a happy ending, but it's never been a smooth ride. About the only common denominator throughout has been our partnership with the City of McAllen, whom we honored last Saturday at our Puppy Love Golden Gala with our first-ever Visionary Award. Not only have they stuck with us through multiple rate increases and given us extra help when needed, they've made their own proactive changes in how they approach their lost and stray animal population.

Commentary: Why does recess matter?

A lively cheer erupted from the back of the school boardroom when the motion passed, with parents and community supporters celebrating after several years of advocating for a written daily recess policy for all elementary level students in the Brownsville Independent School District. The new policy will not take effect until the 2024-25 school year and is humble in scope, with only 15 minutes of unstructured play required for students in the 3-year-old program through fifth grade. It is a step in the right direction and BISD is the second public school district in Cameron County (Harlingen CISD passed a similar policy last year) to guarantee children at least one unstructured play break during their 7 hour-plus school day.