LETTERS: On helping RGV veterans, privacy and levee access

Helping veterans cope in the RGV

Regarding the July 12 article, “Friends who met in Afghanistan now enjoying new shop in SPI,” this article really helped me to realize that veterans should be given more opportunities and legal aid. As a resident, I can understand this as I see many homeless veterans seeking help. In the article, Will Everett, owner of the Karma Café mentions since opening his coffee shop it has been the best way to take his mind off the past.

One recent study has shown that two-thirds of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have post-traumatic stress disorder. This has been an issue many of them face since they are not diagnosed properly while serving. No official diagnosis means after being discharged they don’t receive disability compensation.

We need more programs such as the Homeless Veterans Project, which help our veterans. Without a job and no benefits, veterans can quickly end up homeless and destitute.

And five out of 10 problems among veterans involve legal help. It could be simple tasks as restoring a driver’s license that has since expired or even fight evictions. Seeking a lawyer’s help can be quite expensive. Civil legal aid is one of the best ways to provide legal services and help them stay in their homes.

It’s very important to be involved in our community and help those who are in need. Medical and legal assistance have proven to be the right decisions when it comes to helping our veterans. They fought for our country now it’s time to do the same for them.

Lizbeth Morales, McAllen

It’s a matter of privacy

So apparently the American government is now seeking to establish a facial recognition scan on those traveling abroad. I am concerned about the government overstepping their boundaries and infringing on our privacy rights.

Since I am familiar with the process of flying abroad, I know it is already extremely tedious. For this reason, I am concerned about adding extra security procedures for travelers to endure.

I am curious to find out what the justifications are from the government’s point of view?

I do believe that those who have committed a felony and are a cause for concern about flying abroad should undergo facial recognition scans, but I don’t believe everyone else should have to. American citizens that have not committed any felonies have the right to keep their privacy. Forcing Americans to proceed through a facial recognition scan is crossing the line of privacy that is a given right to the American citizens.

Julissa Ramirez, Edinburg

Levee access editorial criticized

I just finished reading The Monitor’s Thursday editorial concerning not being able to walk/run, bike, etc., on RGV levees (“Levee access denied but why now?”). I am sure there are other reasons for keeping folks off the levees, but the trash people leave behind is unbelievable. It’s not only the levees, but have you seen the trash left on the jetties at South Padre Island lately? It’s more than disgusting.

I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the next public place to be shut down. You could use your paper to encourage folks to clean up after themselves instead of the filler non-news that you print.

Ron Myers, Mission