LETTERS: On feeding the poor and gun control

Gun control

As a veteran of the Korean conflict and a small arms instructor, I can assure you that military-grade weapons were not made for civilian use. They are weapons of death and should never reach hands that use them in that way. During the early days of our country, a group of men were needed to fight for our freedom. This is no longer the case, as we have the National Guard and a strong U.S. military for that. All weapons of mass killing should be outlawed! There are hunting guns available. AR-15 weapons are not for hunting, only killing people. Believe me: I taught new recruits how to use them and I used them myself. Let’s get them out of the sporting guns stores and out of the hands of civilians.

J.R. Jirele, Pharr

Feeding poor ‘whites’

Regarding the May 3 letter stating racism against communities of color regarding SNAP assistance, I concur that discrimination should never be tolerated in assisting those in need, regardless of race, color, creed or origin. But it would be very disingenuous, to also ignore the discrimination of white children, due to the asset limits imposed by strict American laws, discriminating against them, due to income vetting laws. The income of many families could be just a few dollars over assistance asset limits, yet that warrants their full disqualification to receive any food or other help.

This is a systematic, thoroughly ignored, travesty of justice, and bold-faced discrimination against white families. Let’s bear in mind, many foreign families with American-born children have great assets in their native countries, which international laws prohibit the United States from vetting discovery of, thus qualifying these children for assistance benefits with flying colors. This is called “gaming the system” and results in gross discrimination of deserving white, black, brown and Native American families.

According to the Center for American Progress, American family assets must fall below certain income limits to receive any kind of assistance. In fiscal 2018, these limits are $2,250 for households without an elderly or disabled member and $3,500 for those with. It is clear these regulations grossly discriminate against many hardworking American families who are struggling.

Imelda Coronado, Mission