Varsity choir selected to perform at state convention

HARLINGEN — Flor Aldaco is psyched about performing at a state convention next year.

“ I am beyond excited,” said Flor, 17, one of 20 singers in the Harlingen High School Varsity Women’s Choir. She and her fellow singers learned last week they’d been selected to perform next February at the 2021 Texas Music Education Association’s annual convention in San Antonio. The choir is one of only two in the state selected as an “invited choir.”

“ I’m so happy that we were selected for that,” Flor said. “We put in a lot of work during school and after school and over break.”

Competition for the coveted opportunity was tough, so when Ginger Wheelock, director, learned they’d made the cut, she was a bit shocked.

“ I’m still in a little bit of disbelief and shock but so proud of the girls,” said Wheelock, who further explained she received the news the evening of July 1.

“ I wasn’t expecting it,” she said. “I kind of forgot that was the day vice president of the TMEA organization makes those phone calls. He let me know the news and it was beyond exciting and a huge wonderful surprise.”

Wheelock submitted the application June 15 on the TMEA website, along with five recordings of the girls performing the past two years. A committee of judges listened to the recordings without knowing what school they came from.

“ It’s fun to submit regardless of what happens,” Wheelock said. “The chances are so small so you just kind of go with it. It’s fun to know that they’re at that level that you can submit them, so that’s how that went.”

She was shocked when they were selected, but not surprised.

“ I wasn’t really expecting anything,” she said. “But at the same time I just know how hard these girls have worked and how good they’ve become because of their work ethic. So for that reason I’m not surprised.”

In this time of uncertainty due to the pandemic, such a victory means a lot to the singers.

“ It really is an honor to be selected,” said Elyssia Razo, 17, a senior.

“ There are so many choirs in Texas, and to be regarded as one of the best is amazing,” Elyssia said. “We all worked really hard and we love our music and what we do and it’s something that shows in our performances.”

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