Employee Spotlight: Neri Balli

BY Amanda Sotelo

Neri Balli is the director for Precollege Programs at Texas State Technical College and has been awarded the Employee Spotlight honor for the month of April.

“I’m truly honored to have been given this award,” she said. “I was not expecting it, but it feels good knowing you’re appreciated.”

The Harlingen native has worked at the college for 21 years, but had the privilege to call TSTC home as a college student as well.

Balli started her career with TSTC as a student worker in the College Information Office, which is now the Office of Recruitment, before earning her associate degree in Information Management Technology in 1996.

The TSTC graduate was immediately hired after receiving her degree and she said she has never looked back.

“As an employee of TSTC I’ve always been taken care of,” Balli said. “And the opportunity of growth within the college is tremendous. My supervisors have always cared about my success and have encouraged me to excel.”

She said one of those achievements that was supported by her supervisors and her team was the bachelor’s degree in Workforce Leadership and Supervision she earned from the University of Texas at Brownsville in 2013.

Today, as the director for Precollege Programs, Balli is the spark of encouragement others need to pursue a college education. From prekinder to seniors in high school, she works to plant the seed of higher education with programs such as TSTC’s Challenger Learning Centers in Harlingen and Waco; and TexPrep, a seven-week math, science and engineering program.

“My passion for assisting and guiding students to a college education has always been there,” Balli said. “It’s a great feeling when you’re able to meet their needs, make an impact and see them succeed. It’s really special.”

It is this passion that her colleagues find admirable and why they nominated her for the Employee Spotlight.

“Neri works tirelessly to ensure that Pre-College Programs is a great area to work in. She gladly steps up to bat for our programs and will not stop until there are results,” one comment read.

Another said, “She has not and will not give up until we are able to provide services to our students. She is also always polite and has a smile on her face. She firmly believes in leadership and modeling the positive traits that make up a good leader because we learn by example, and she sets a very good example.”

Balli said these comments bring tears to her eyes and encourage her to keep going.

“Just knowing that my colleagues and bosses appreciate me encourages me to keep doing what I’m doing because this award shows me that it’s making a difference.”

She said her goal is to continue making a positive impact on the students she works with and her department.

“Now that we’re statewide, my goal is to make our department stronger by collaborating more to increase the number of students we assist and educate about college.”

The TSTC Staff Senate takes nominations for the Employee Spotlight and members vote on the most deserving candidate based on application comments.