San Benito superintendent Vega resigns

SAN BENITO — Superintendent Adrian Vega has resigned from his post as leader of the school district.

He submitted his letter of resignation Tuesday night during the regular board meeting, informing the board that he is pursuing an employment opportunity outside of public education.

“After careful thought and consideration, and after consulting closely with my family, I have decided to submit my resignation to pursue other employment opportunities,” Vega said in his resignation letter. “It has been one of the greatest honors of my life to serve the San Benito school district and the community.”

His resignation becomes effective June 9.

The school board is expected to hold a special meeting where they will formally accept his resignation.


District leader thanks trustees, community; submits resignation

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Adrian Vega submitted his letter of resignation at Tuesday’s regular board meeting, informing the board that he is pursuing an employment opportunity outside of public education.

Dr. Vega, who began working as the district’s leader January 4, 2016, explained that his resignation becomes effective Friday, June 9. The board is expected to call a special meeting to formally accept his resignation.

“After careful thought and consideration, and after consulting closely with my family, I have decided to submit my resignation to pursue other employment opportunities,” Dr. Vega said. “It has been one of the greatest honors of my life to serve the San Benito school district and the community.”

Dr. Vega expressed his gratitude to members of the Board of Trustees for their support.

“I would like to thank the Board of Trustees for providing me with the opportunity to serve in the San Benito Consolidated Independent School District, “ Vega said. “A school district is measured by the commitment of the board, staff, and community to its children and their achievement. This district is indeed committed.”

Dr. Vega also acknowledged the efforts of staff and the community.

“I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the staff and the community for their support of the district’s programs and services during my term as superintendent,” he said.

Board President Anna Cruz said she and her fellow board members extend their appreciation to Dr. Vega for his efforts in leading the district.

“We have enjoyed a good working relationship with Dr. Vega. We extend our appreciation and our sincere thanks for agreeing to take on the position as the district’s leader,” Cruz said.

In thanking Dr. Vega for his service, Cruz noted that the district is focused on continuing to move the district forward.

“We appreciate the fact that while working with Dr. Vega, we were able to reach many goals together,” she said. “We wish him nothing but the very best in his future career and professional endeavors.”

Dr. Vega worked closely with the board to adopt the district’s 5-year strategic plan and in coordinating efforts to conduct a curriculum and efficiency audit.

He also introduced adult learning opportunities for staff via Instructional Leadership Academies, Leadership Prep Academies, and introduced Book Study Clubs for district leaders.

The district is also making progress on recommendations outlined in the Texas Association of Schools Boards salary study. The study will assist leaders in making final recommendations in regards to a new compensation plan for district staff.

Dr. Vega has also worked closely with trustees and district leaders in order to secure the purchases of district vehicles, make upgrades in district facilities, and take measures to grow the district’s fund balance.

The district is currently making plans to introduce a summer reading initiative to help students stay ahead of the learning curve during the summer months.

There’s plenty of work that still remains in the district’s future, but Dr. Vega feels confident that the district will continue on an upward progressive trend.

“I feel extremely blessed to have been given this opportunity to work here in San Benito as the district’s leader. There are many great things in this district that are still yet to come,” Dr. Vega said. “This is a wonderful district and my family and I are grateful to have been a part of it!”