‘Jumpstart Program’ prepares children for back to school

Brianna Mercado ran her tiny finger through the shaving cream, creating the letter “F”.

“It smells good,” said Brianna, 5, who was learning about letters and sounds and pictures. She and several other kindergartners in Thelma Cano’s class were taking advantage of a two-week activity called “Elementary Jumpstart Program.”

“They are making a jump start to learning,” said Iris Moya, Jumpstart Coordinator at Zavala Elementary. The program, which aims to prepare children from pre-kindergarten to fourth grade, is being held at all 17 elementary campuses. The class is voluntary.

“It’s highly recommended so they are prepared for the year,” Moya said. “They are focusing on math and reading. Those are the highly-needed areas.”

For more on the story read Thursday’s Valley Morning Star.