Runners to face unpredictable weather in South Texas Sizzler

HARLINGEN — It’s that time again.

Time to sizzle in the January chill of South Texas. But then again, who knows? Saturday, when fitness aficionados participate in the South Texas Sizzler, they could be running through 40-degree weather or 80 degrees.

Either way, almost 800 people are expected to run in the event hosted by the Junior League of Harlingen, said Christina Araguz, race director.

“The event itself is a run,” said Araguz, a member of the Junior League. “We have it to promote and encourage our community to become healthier.”

The Sizzler will take place Saturday at the UniversityCenter on the TexasStateTechnicalCollege campus. It will feature three runs. The Little Sizzler 1 Mile Fun Run will begin at 7:30 a.m. The Little Sizzlers are runners aged 14 and under. At 8 a.m. the 10K runners will take off, followed by the 5K runners at 8:10 a.m.

For more information, call Araguz at 956-241-2535 or Footworks at 956-423-3131.

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