TSTC December grads celebrated with drive-thru ceremony

Honks and cheers filled the Texas State Technical College campus on Wednesday to celebrate fall 2020 graduates during the “Grad Swag Pickup.”

Students received a TSTC yard sign and a diploma cover during the drive-thru event.

Enrollment management senior staff assistant Lisa Garza said that celebrating the accomplishments of TSTC students is vital to the college.

“It is important to remind our graduates that we are like a family,” she said. “We are always here to support and celebrate them and their accomplishments. We are proud to see these students overcome obstacles, accomplish their goals and represent TSTC in the workforce.”

TSTC Provost Cledia Hernandez greeted each car with a message of congratulations that she was ecstatic to give each passing student.

“Congratulations, graduates!” she said. “This milestone is no small achievement, and it is the beginning of your journey toward a fruitful and fulfilling career.”

She added that TSTC will be there to guide them even after the end of their time as students.

“TSTC was there for you during your application process and through your educational commitment, with success coaches, faculty and staff,” she said. “Now TSTC will continue to be here for you to help you achieve your career goals through the TSTC Career Services department.”

Garza added that despite any obstacles that graduates might have had to face, they should be proud that they made it to the finish line.

“I’m sure some of our graduates thought that obtaining a degree in the middle of a pandemic seemed nearly impossible at times, but they did it,” she said.

Although their college chapter may be closing, Garza said that learning is one facet of the graduates’ lives that will never stop.

“Make each opportunity a learning experience,” she said. “Learning is the one thing nobody can take away from you. Don’t forget that with hard work, resilience and a positive mindset, you are capable of anything and everything.”

To learn more about TSTC, visit tstc.edu.