Cupcake duo rises from the ashes

Cupcakes by Cory was among the countless businesses earlier this year struggling due to the pandemic, but then things went from bad to worse.

Founded in 2010 on East Price Road, Cory Bryan and daughter Brittney Mayorga were forced to close their small bake shop for several weeks starting in March, then reopened with social distancing and other safety measures, serving customers via curbside only.

“It was a little slow but we remained positive,” Bryan said.

Then on the afternoon of July 20, disaster struck. It was a Monday, so the shop was closed. Normally the pair would come in to do inventory and clean up, but that day Bryan and Mayorga skipped it. Then the texts and calls started coming in: Their building was on fire. They rushed to the scene.

“Actually our business was the last one to burn,” Bryan said. “That was very devastating. It was heartbreaking to stand there and watch it. … We just stood there and watched everything burn, all the other businesses as well as ours.”

Up until that moment, and the pandemic slowdown that preceded it, the two had built a thriving business and loyal clientele selling high-quality cupcakes, cakes, cheesecakes and pies. But even as the flames rose and the tears fell, they vowed to rebuild, Bryan said.

“We immediately said we’re blessed with our lives, everyone was able to walk away, things can be replaced and we will build again,” she said. “We had a tremendous outpouring of community support from family and friends, so we’ve been very blessed.”

Four weeks after the fire Cupcakes by Cory had a new home at 2227 Central Blvd. With the six-lane thoroughfare, ample parking, good lightning and plenty of space inside, Bryan said she’s “immensely happy” with the new location. It wasn’t easy getting the permits and everything else together since virtually no business could be conducted in person thanks to the pandemic, but it finally came together, she said.

The business officially reopened on Oct. 6.

“It was our first Tuesday back open, exactly 11 weeks to the day, 77 days from the fire,” Mayorga said.

Longtime customers were thrilled, and lined up at the door opening to closing time the entire week, she said, expressing gratitude for customers’ support over the last decade plus.

Added Bryan: “We thank each and every customer for all of their loving support, and especially our family and friends who helped us get through this.”

Only three items survived the fire: the Cupcakes by Cory wooden sign out front, a partially burned business card and a photo of Bryan’s father, who had passed away two years prior. Of course they’re all on display at the new location, which Bryan calls “Cupcakes by Cory chapter two.”

“It’s warm and friendly here, and we’re ready to continue serving our customers here,” she said.

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