Cameron County judge suspends curfew

Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino Jr. announced this morning that he will suspend the county’s curfew that he ordered several months ago because of the coronavirus.

The curfew had called for all persons 17 years or younger must abide to a 10 p.m. 6 a.m. curfew unless seeking medical attention or engaged in essential travels, and that no persons should be outside their homes from midnight through 5 a.m.

Although the curfew change will take effect today, the bars will still have to close at 11 p.m. because of a mandate issued by Governor Greg Abbott.

Trevino said he had talked to several people about doing away with the curfew, but added that he could change it at anytime if the county sees an increase of COVID-19 cases.

The county reported 95 coronavirus cases today and 70 cases on Thursday.

Statistics show the county is reporting 24,895 COVID-19 cases with 1,099 deaths.