Hidalgo County delaying COVID-19 reports until Monday 

Don’t expect to hear any new data on COVID-19 cases and deaths in Hidalgo County until sometime Monday as Hurricane Hanna prevented officials from releasing numbers over the weekend.

Due to the intensity of the flooding, officials were unable to reach their offices to report their over-the-weekend reports, county Judge Richard F. Cortez said Sunday afternoon. The data will instead be released Monday.

“I’ve been out here and it’s not pretty,” Cortez said of the damage sustained in Edinburg.

As of Friday, Hidalgo County’s death toll and case total were up to 456 and 15,153, respectively. The deaths make up a 3% mortality rate of those infected, which is 15% of the 100,000-plus tests that have been administered.

The infection rate in the county is around 1.7% for a population near 900,000 people.

In Willacy County, the Texas Department of State Health Services confirmed 10 additional COVID-19 cases, county Judge Aurelio “Keter” Guerra Jr. announced in a news release Sunday. 

The majority of the cases are women, with the exception of one man in their 30s. 

The ages of the women range from a girl in their 10 years old or under to a woman in her 70s. 

As of now, the total known positive cases in Willacy County is 567. 

Cameron and Starr counties did not report case numbers as of press time Sunday, with the former routinely skipping Sundays to report activity on Mondays.