SPI approves final design for skate park

SOUTH PADRE ISLAND — Throughout several years of planning, gathering funds and designing, this outdoor project has continued gaining momentum and is beginning to come to fruition.

During a meeting held on Thursday, the Parks and Keep SPI Beautiful Committee approved the final design for a skate park, which will be located within John L. Tompkins Park on South Padre Island.

New Line Skateparks, a full-service municipal skatepark design and construction team, created the final design of the project.

“ In talking with them, they really know the elements and take into consideration skaters that are in all different aspects of their ability,” SPI Parks and Recreation manager Debbie Huffman said. “I think they really did utilize a lot of the space really well.”

According to Huffman, the final design combines street and transition skateboarding elements.

Some features of the skate park include — a multi-depth flow bowl with banks and a quarter pipe, a roll-in area for beginners and a drop-in area for more advanced skaters.

An open house of the skate park was held by the city on June 23 to allow the public to review the designs, feature options and participate in a survey.

“We didn’t have a lot of people that showed up that night because of everything, but we did offer them a virtual opportunity to get online and visit with the designers of the skate park,” Huffman said. “They got a lot of feedback, a lot of positive responses. A lot of people really liked the park.”

Visit https://tinyurl.com/y8l9mctr for more information about the skate park or to view its concept design presentation.

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