San Benito CISD announces top 10 graduates

SAN BENITO — As students enter their final stretch of the school year, school districts are starting to announce their top 10 graduates.

Thursday, San Benito CISD Board of Trustees and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Nate Carman announced the top 10 graduates for the San Benito High School class of 2020.

Representing the class of 2020 are valedictorian Michael Dylan Thomas and salutatorian Haley Lian Hernandez.

Ayden Jay Soliz ranked third, Katarina Lynn Guerra ranked fourth, Angelin Starr Cruz ranked fifth, Ariel Kristen Lopez ranked sixth, Arturo Arratia, Jr. ranked seventh, Jayson Bryan Martinez ranked eighth, Connie Jaqueline Martinez Chavarria ranked ninth and Matthew Henry Guevara ranked 10th.

“Congratulations to our San Benito High School Class of 2020 valedictorian, salutatorian, and each of our top ten graduates,” Carman stated in a press release. “We are so proud of the outstanding work these talented young men and women have demonstrated throughout their academic studies.”

Carman stated that although the San Benito CISD community might be celebrating the Class of 2020 a little differently this year given the current situation with the coronavirus, they want each of the graduates to know that they are very proud of their accomplishments.

“We would also like to congratulate their parents and families who also share in this honor,” Carman stated in the press release. “They each represent the ‘Gold Standard’ excellence set forth by our district, and we are confident that they will go on to achieve great success.”

San Benito CISD School Board President Orlando López stated that the San Benito CISD community is proud of the graduates and cannot wait to see what they will go on to accomplish in their lives.

“Our students are the leaders of tomorrow, and we are excited to see them reach their goals and accomplishments not only at a district level but as representatives of our entire San Benito community,” López stated in the press release.

The school district’s graduation day is scheduled for May 29.

In a San Benito CISD edition of SuperTalks video posted on April 16, Carman said the school district is deliberating the possibility of having to reschedule the 2020 commencement ceremony due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

School district officials are considering select dates in June, July and August as possible alternatives.