Walmart announces new work safety measures

Walmart on Tuesday announced it will begin rolling out new steps over the next several weeks to help protect employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The measures include providing masks and gloves for store employees, as well as asking them to submit to temperature checks regularly. “(W)e’ve decided to begin taking the temperatures of our associates as they report to work in stores, clubs and facilities, as well as asking them some basic health screening questions,” the company said in a news release.

Employees with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher will be sent home with pay, and will be unable to return to work until they are fever-free for at least three days, the statement reads.

Walmart will facilitate the onsite temperature readings via infrared thermometers it is shipping to all its properties. The thermometers may take up to three weeks to arrive, the company said.

The company will also offer masks and gloves for employee use, saying those supplies should arrive within 1-2 weeks. “They will be high-quality masks, but not N95 respirators — which should be reserved for at-risk healthcare workers.”

Furthermore, the company is encouraging employees to remember a simple guidance: 6-20-100.

Maintain six feet of space between themselves and others, wash hands for 20 seconds, and stay home if they experience a fever of 100 degrees or higher.