Edinburg man faces 20 child porn charges

An Edinburg man has been charged with 20 counts of possession of child pornography after a search warrant uncovered photos of children under the age of 10 allegedly in his possession.

Vicente Garcia Jr., 50, was arrested Feb. 29 on these counts and remains jailed with bonds totaling $1 million.

On Jan. 24, an investigator for the Edinburg Police Department interviewed Garcia regarding allegations of continuous sexual assault of a child.

According to records, Garcia is accused of implicating himself in possessing child pornography in addition to continuous sexual assault.

A search warrant of Garcia’s residence was then obtained, and authorities confiscated laptops, cameras, USB drives, cellphones, hard drives and memory cards. With assistance from an agent of Homeland Security Investigations, forensic data extraction was conducted from the items confiscated.

After reviewing the data on these devices, various pornographic images of young girls between the ages of 5 and 10 — including the reported victim the investigator was interviewing Garcia about — were found, according to the report.

A conviction of possession or promotion of child pornography, a third degree felony, can be punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Former official faces child indecency charges

The city of Elsa’s parks and recreation director resigned last week before police began investigating him for indecency with a child by sexual contact, according to a release.

The Elsa Police Department received a report on March 4 about the allegation, which stemmed from an incident that occurred the day prior, on March 3.

The investigation pointed to Louis Segura, who resigned from his position with the city on March 4 before police were aware of the alleged offense, according to the release.

Segura turned himself in to Elsa investigators on Saturday and was arrested.

He received a $50,000 bond and was released Sunday, jail records show.