Boswell to give annual State of the City

HARLINGEN — Mayor Chris Boswell on Thursday is expected to look back at one of his biggest years in office as he delivers his annual State of the City address.

Boswell is set to take the stage at noon at the Harlingen Convention Center.

“We’re going to review the accomplishments of 2019 and look back at the last decade and look at accomplishments and talk about what we see in the future,” he said Tuesday.

Last year, Boswell stood on the same stage as the city opened the $16.7 million convention center after years of planning.

In October, he helped inaugurate Baxter Loft and its $4.5 million renovation, a hard-fought project that served as a centerpiece for the city’s downtown revitalization drive.

“I view it as a report to the community and I look forward to putting that report together every year,” he said of the address.

Boswell is also expected to boast the city’s financial strength months after working to pass the city’s first property tax increase in 14 years — a 4-cent hike that led many residents to speak out during public hearings.

“The speech will highlight the city’s financial stability as well as current and proposed projects planned,” city spokeswoman Irma Garza stated.

In his fifth term in the city’s top elected office, Boswell, an attorney, first won election in 1998, serving as a city commissioner until 2007, when he won the mayor’s seat.

Doors open at 11 a.m. for the public event.