Report: US citizen killed on international bridge

A person believed to be a U.S. citizen was killed on an international bridge Monday night on the Mexican side while waiting to cross back into the United States, according to a KRGV report.

The TV news station reported that Mexico’s federal attorney confirmed the killing happened on the McAllen-Hidalgo International Bridge at around 6:30 p.m.

Authorities in Tamaulipas found a passport from a Texas man, according to KRGV.

The station said officials in Tamaulipas are working to confirm his identity.

The Monitor has made several inquiries to federal officials in the United States to corroborate the report, but they’ve gone unanswered as of press time.

Christmas Eve is also a federal holiday.

About a week ago, the State Department re-issued its Travel Warning for Tamaulipas, which has been in place for years.

The government recommends that U.S. citizens do not travel there due to widespread violent crime.

However, in the Rio Grande Valley, many people cross every day for life and work.