TEKSCON 2019: District educators attend state curriculum conference

District and campus administrators, curriculum coaches, and classroom personnel recently attended the annual TEKS Resource System Curriculum Conference, TEKSCON 2019, in San Antonio. The annual conference brings thousands of Texas educators together for three days of collaboration, innovation, and learning.

“Being able to take a large group of educators to the annual state conference to learn from other current practitioners is invaluable. Additionally, SBCISD contributed to this year’s conference by presenting two sessions on our successful practices,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Nate Carman.

District instructional coaches Terry Korab, Lawrence Attebery, Isla Orta, and Sherry Hoskins shared their expertise during their “Empowering Teachers Through Curriculum Alignment” session. Carman’s session, “TEKS Resource System Implementation with Fidelity: Superintendent’s Role,” drew a large crowd of district and campus administrators from throughout Texas.

Using the TEKS Resource System has proven effective in San Benito’s student achievement gains. Under Dr. Carman’s leadership, the district has seen an improvement in academics as evident in the increase in the number of STAAR assessments at or above the state passing rate.

“We have been able to successfully use the TEKS Resource System as our curriculum management system to assist in aligned instructional implementation in all core classes throughout the district,” added Carman.

Implementing the TEKS Resource System locally has been a key element of increasing the district’s State Accountability rating by eleven points in two years.