LETTERS: Gas prices, algae, mercy as policy

Gasoline prices are too high

As time passes the gasoline prices have been increasing dramatically in the RGV, making many individuals to waste more and more money in their cars.

In 2016, the gas value was almost at $2 a gallon and now it increased overnight to almost $3. The gas prices should go back to where they were before.

Increasing the gas prices are not only making individuals waste money on their cars, which in fact they are necessary for transportation, but why waste such an amount in cars when they can waste it on more necessary materials, such as food, clothes or medical assistance.

Having the transportation to go to one place to another should not be making many civilians pay such a tremendous amount for only one gallon.

It is possible that America might not be obtaining as much oil and gas as it should be getting, but why pay the people by increasing the prices? Analysts say gasoline prices are about to start rising again, following crude oil’s recent record-breaking run, meaning that as the oil starts to decrease, then the prices are going to start increasing.

The government should keep in mind that this is not only affecting an individual’s life, but it is also making the community worry about the economy.

The gasoline prices should decrease to their previous prices, not only because they are affecting many people’s chances to waste the money in other important necessities, but because it is making many individuals be concerned for a future unexpected gas rise.

Jhovana Sanchez, Mission


Regarding algae — just say no

Many experts are trying to reinvent the way we farm and eat since people are consuming 100 grams of protein daily — almost double the necessary amount and instigating overconsumption.

With land and fresh water becoming increasingly scarce, scientists believe algae’s rich biodiversity and high levels of protein and lipids are the last resort.

Algae, a plant lacking true roots, stems and leaves, which is mainly found in a slimy and stinky state, is what these experts are trying to feed society. Many people who have tried algae described its flavor to a spoonful of dried kale, and then imagine an aftertaste that is worse.

 At the moment, this world is populated with 25 percent of picky eaters and the obesity rate at 70 percent. Let’s see how these groups of people’s reactions are going to be since one barely wants to eat and the other is far from eating green.

Afar from algae having a horrible taste, it can also harm a person’s health. Blue-green algae are capable of producing several different toxins. Some toxins such as dermatoxins and gastrointestinal can affect the skin and mucous membranes, and can cause allergy-type reactions such as rashes, eye, nose or throat irritation, and asthma, as well as headaches, fever and gastroenteritis if swallowed.

People are trying to feed us pond scum and the green substance that forms in aquariums because we are eating too much. We should have a voice in what we eat and in what substances are being put in our food.

Vanessa Verdin, Mission


President should adopt mercy as a policy

It seems that President Trump ended the policy of separating families after a long time of suffering for those families and children.

It was very sad to see those kids crying and babies locked up in shelters. The kids did nothing wrong and they did not know where they were going to when their parents brought them to the United States.

It is inhumane to separate the kids from their parents. This policy was completely unfair, inhumane and it was a nightmare to those kids. What was the point of doing that?

Did separating the kids make the border more secure? Of course not. Why do kids have to grow up with the trauma of being separated from their parents? Did the country do better by doing that? Nobody deserves to be treated like that.

The president should think about mercy for those kids. They can one day be the future of this country.

Lucero Rodriguez, Mission